Although the name of this exercise sounds very silly, but in fact, this exercise can be bought in any ordinary magic treasure pavilion, and even the people who set up the street are more used to cushion the table.

All because of this practice is too rubbish, so **** that no one wants to practice.

Regardless of whether you are a genius or a waste material, as long as you practice Hunyuan Yi Qigong, it means that your life is over.

Moreover, because of the name bluffing, many people with lofty ideals have been harmed!

In any case, they haven't heard of anyone who can practice Hunyuan Yi Qigong.

"Hey, this prince has fallen into a competition with people who practice Hunyuanyi Qigong. Even if this prince trusts Mr. Ling very much, he has to doubt it." Qiang Wenwu shook his head and said lightly.

"Prince, why do you talk so much nonsense?" Luo Xiaoman turned the lollipop in his hand and said impatiently, "Hurry up."

"it is good!"

Qiang Wenwu's eyes shuddered, and he said in a deep voice, "Then, this prince will let you see, the wonder of the flying dragons!!"

When the voice fell, the aura on his body burst out, constantly running the exercises to adjust his state to the best.


He raised his hand and suddenly grasped the Shenglongzhu!

For a while, everyone held their breath and stared at the rising dragon pillar that gradually lit up.


With a dragon chant, a blue dragon flew out of the rising dragon pillar.

Immediately afterwards, another blue dragon flew out, and the first blue dragon hovered in the air.

However, this is not over yet!

With the output of Qiang's civil and military forces, the pillar of rising dragon flew out one after another, and finally seven blue dragons hovered in mid-air.

This kind of power, this kind of sight, amazed everyone!

"The great prince is indeed the chosen one." A minister of the central government looked at the seven blue dragons in the sky with scorching eyes, and said with emotion: "Even the emperor, it was only six dragons flying to the sky."

"This Luo Xiaoman has already lost! I don't believe it, she can still have an eight dragon flying to the sky. If the eight dragon flying to the sky can really be achieved, I will chop off my head and give her a kick."

Everyone is happy!

They can't wait to see the moment when Luo Xiaoman gets embarrassed!

"Xiaoman?" Kunlun felt the power of the Qilong Feitian, and couldn't help but looked at Luo Xiaoman worriedly.

"Xiao Kun, I want to eat oranges." Luo Xiaoman still looked calm, raised his head slightly, and opened his mouth.

Kunlun was stunned, then swiftly peeled a piece of orange and sent it over.

"Hey, it's so sweet!" Luo Xiaoman smiled, and then jumped off Dabai's back. "In order to thank you for peeling me oranges, I will show you Jiulong Feitian!"


A burst of boos came, showing all kinds of contempt and dislike for Luo Xiaoman.

Why don’t you go to heaven if you still fly to the sky?

They didn't believe that Luo Xiaoman could do this.

In their cognition, throughout the ages, Emperor Yan alone can do so!

Luo Xiaoman is the reincarnation of Emperor Yan?

No, this is absolutely impossible!

Emperor Yan will only be reincarnated to the Qiang clan!

Qiang Ting frowned, staring deeply at Luo Xiaoman with a faint smile on his face, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart, he didn't think Luo Xiaoman was the kind of person who talked.

However, Jiulong Feitian, he really couldn't believe it!

Even if Luo Xiaoman's aptitude is really against the sky, even more against the sky than Qiang's civil and military affairs, but only the blood of the Qiang family can appear in the wonders of Nine Dragons Flying!

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