The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1814: Luo Mushan is a child of the Qiang family?

Qiang Wenwu was startled slightly, recalling the scene of being beaten by Luo Xiaoman just now, and he couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Wasn't he a person who despised Luo Xiaoman before, but in the end, he was slapped severely in the face, and he still couldn't turn over.

Refining alchemy with bare hands and at the same time refining tools, such a mysterious operation, even if he exhausted his entire life, he couldn't do it.

This is no longer a question of hard work, but of talent.

It's like his father can summon three guardian spirit beasts, but he can only summon? One, the gap here is unimaginable.

Back from the martial arts field, Qiang Ting came to the royal ancestral hall for the first time.

Here is enshrined the fate of the Qiang monarchs, and the whole ancestral hall reveals a solemn historical atmosphere, which is awe-inspiring.

"Ting'er, why are you here when it's not a priest?" At this moment, a voice came from the back of the ancestral hall.

"Father, I have something to ask you for verification." Qiang Ting lowered his head, his voice revealed a hint of respect, and saw an old man in gray linen walking slowly from the inner hall.

He is the great emperor of the Qiang family, Qiang Heng.

"Say it."

"Back then, the younger brother of the son, really died?"

Qiang Heng was startled slightly, and could not help being silent for a while, and said, "Why are you asking this suddenly?"

"Today, Luo Xiaoman tested the rising dragon pillar and summoned Nine Dragon Feitian."


Qiang Heng's pupils shrank and he looked at Qiang Ting in astonishment. "You said Thang Longzhu has the wonders of the Nine Dragons flying in the sky?"

"Yes!" Qiang Ting nodded, and said with a serious expression: "Nine Dragons Feitian, it's not that you can be summoned by aptitude against the sky, but you must have the blood of the Qiang family. After all, Shenglongzhu is the blood of the ancestors of the Qiang family. Built."

Qiang Heng was silent!

He had met Luo Xiaoman before, and was an interesting girl. However, he never thought that Qiang's blood would flow through this girl's body.

Although this is a bit unbelievable, the wonder of flying to the sky in Kowloon is the most reliable argument!

"Luo Xiaoman's mother is a member of the Xuanyuan family. This shows that her father is likely to be a direct child of the Qiang family." Qiang Ting frowned and said solemnly: "But, after passing through the children The investigation found that the direct children of the Qiang family were all in the Central Plains and did not live outside."

"I understand." Qiang Heng sighed and said quietly: "Back then, your brother was born at the same time as you. However, he was born with too weak physique and died early."

"I still remember that I buried it with my own hands. It's impossible to survive."

If this is the case, how do you explain Luo Xiaoman's existence? Could it be that there are people in this world who are not from the Qiang clan, but who can summon the Nine Dragon Flying to the sky?

"Ting'er, let this matter aside for the time being." Qiang Heng frowned and reminded: "In two days, when it is time to cut the immortal, don't be distracted."

"Erchen understands." Qiang Ting apologized, and said firmly: "This time, our Qiang family must win the ethereal world and return to the prestige of the Qiang family."

"Yeah." Qiang Heng nodded, then waved his hand, and said: "You should withdraw first, I am going to meditate now."

When Qiang Ting walked out of the ancestral hall, Qiang Heng thought for a moment, and then ran to the back mountain of the palace.

Soon, he found the place where the child was buried...

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