At this moment, a figure appeared, hovering in front of the Lord Qing Cang.

He wore a white robe with gold rims, his hands on his back, and three golden wheels turning behind him, showing a strong pressure from all over his body.

"Master Jinxian, I do have important things to see the Supreme Immortal Venerable!" The Lord Qingcang raised his eyes, and the white light all over his body became very weak under the deterrence of the Golden Immortal.

"Heh, mere mortals, dare to hide in this immortal?" Jin Xian narrowed his eyes and waved his hand gently, then the white light around Qing Cang was scattered.

"No!" The Lord Qingcang exclaimed, but could not stop the invasion of this force.

As the white light dissipated, she revealed her original ugly face. The hideous scars covered her originally beautiful face, and her originally fair skin also revealed a trace of dead white.

She is a woman, but also an ugly monster!

"Huh?" Jin Xian couldn't help frowning when he saw the lineup of Lord Qingcang. "It seems that you are still suitable to hide. Just like you is really disgusting."

"Ah!!!" Lord Qingcang roared frantically, his eyes flashing with anger.

Klang Klang!

The next moment, behind her, nine true rounds lit up, and each of them exuded a golden glow.

"Oh? Become angry?" Jin Xian raised his eyebrows and said jokingly, "But, what about that? Even though you are the peak of the Mahayana period, to us immortals, you are like ants.

"Remember! You, in the human world, may be the supreme Lord of the Sky, but in the ethereal world, you are nothing but a bereaved dog."

Jin Xian's words stung the Lord Qingcang mercilessly.

"The current you is just a dog parasitizing the ethereal world of immortality. The only purpose is to be used as cannon fodder!"

Faced with such ridicule of Chi Guoguo, the Lord Qingcang split his eyes, wishing to tear the golden fairy in front of him to pieces.

However, she can only think about it, the strength gap between each other is too big!


At this moment, a mighty momentum swept over.

Jin Xian's mind trembled, and then he knelt down quickly, and said respectfully: "I have seen the Supreme Immortal!"

"Jin Chen, let her come over."


Jin Chen frowned, turned around and looked at the embarrassed Lord of Cang Cang, wondering in his heart, why does the Supreme Immortal Venerable want to see this lowly mortal?

"Hmph, since the Supreme Immortal Venerable has spoken, then this immortal will not embarrass you." He raised his hand and lifted all the restrictions on the Lord of Qing Cang.

The Lord Qingcang's body loosened, but with a plop, he fell to the ground.

"Huh, what a shameful guy." Jin Chen snorted coldly, then broke through the air.

The Lord Qingcang slowed down, raised his eyes slightly, and looked at the magnificent palace in front of him, his lips slightly raised. "The Supreme Immortal, you have never abandoned me, have you?"

She whispered, not asking the Supreme Immortal Venerable to hear her, because it was more for herself.

Immediately afterwards, the Lord Qingcang's figure moved and flew towards that kind of magnificent palace.

With the permission of the Supreme Immortal Venerable, no immortal came out to stop him, letting the Lord Qingcang drive straight in.

Soon, he set foot on this magnificent palace.

The Lord Qingcang swept around, feeling the magnificence of this palace, and the strong immortal energy, and he felt that the injuries he suffered just now were all recovered in an instant.

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