Li Zhi turned around, a powerful force swayed from his body, and the green wolf flew out of his life.

Green Wolf was shocked and looked at Li Zhi in disbelief. It seemed that she couldn't think that a mortal in her area could shock him. Could it be that the Immortal Venerable Order gave her power beyond imagination.

"We Qingcang Palace have been conscientiously working for the Misty Immortal Realm, and never complained. However, you immortals never treat us as your own people." Li Zhi walked towards the green wolf step by step, his tone revealing perseverance. "However, this situation will change. I will lead Qingcang Palace to truly become a part of the Misty Fairy World!"

Qing Lang frowned, his eyes fell on the Qing Cang Ling in Li Zhi's hand.

Although he didn't know why Li Zhi had the Qing Cangling order, he was obviously given an order from the Supreme Immortal Venerable. If he didn't know what was good or bad, he would end up miserably if he opposed it.

"Green Wolf, I am willing to do my best for the envoy of the immortal!"

Li Zhi raised his eyebrows, looked at this guy who turned his face like a book, and said faintly: "It seems you know the current affairs well."

"The messenger can get the Immortal Venerable Order, which means that it represents the Supreme Immortal Venerable, and I dare not rebel." Qing Lang said solemnly.

"Very good!" Li Zhi nodded, and said with satisfaction: "Now you go to gather the fairy army and gather at Qingcang Palace."

"Yes!" Qing Lang nodded, then went away.

Seeing the originally strong and arrogant Blue Wolf, who has now become very humble, Xu Ming looked dazed and felt a little unreal.

"Xu Ming, and everyone, now the Azure Wolf Profound Immortal is under the pressure of the Immortal Venerable Order to respect me. If there is no Immortal Venerable Order, we are nothing." Li Zhi swept the crowd, Shen Said: "So, we must become stronger, relying on our own strength, to get the respect of these immortals."

Everyone looked at each other, and then showed scorching eyes.

"Lord Qingcang, no matter what happens, we will follow you until eternity."

Feeling the fiery eyes of everyone, Li Zhi sighed secretly in his heart.

This is their only chance, either to be in the immortal class, to become a member of the misty fairy world, or to die without a place to be buried.

"I need your layout." Li Zhi looked at Xu Ming and said solemnly: "Next, we must destroy the Hao Tianzhu."

"Destroyed Hao Tianzhu?!" Xu Ming's mind tightened, and he looked at her in disbelief. "Lord Qingcang, the Hao Tianzhu is a thing of creation, but it is not so easy to destroy."

Li Zhi shook his head and said without a doubt: "No matter what the price is, the Hao Dzi must be destroyed, otherwise we will only be destroyed by the Hao Dzi."

Xu Ming was silent!

It seems that the Lord Qingcang must have seen some important clues from the deduction before he was affirmed by the Supreme Immortal Venerable and awarded the Supreme Immortal Venerable Order.

"Well, I will do my best!" He nodded and decided to give it a try.

"I believe you."

Soon, Qinglang led hundreds of immortals and hurried to Qingcang Palace.

These immortals are rebellious masters. In order not to waste time, Li Zhi directly showed the order of the immortal, and instantly made these guys respectful.

"I'll summon you here, there is only one goal." Li Zhi glanced at the many immortals, their eyes were filled with doubts. "You will follow my lower realm and attack the Hao Dzi Bead!"

The fairies were slightly startled and blank, but they still responded: "Oh, yes!!"

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