"Ahahaha!!" Pickup slapped haha ​​quickly, and took his hand back like an electric shock. "I, I'm just so excited, want to find something to hug?"

"Pickup, you can give me a hug!" At this moment, Porch blinked and said seriously: "I don't mind."

"Go!" Pickup's fat face was stern, and he almost gave Porch a kick.

"Hahaha!" Seeing the embarrassment of Picka, the Asuras couldn't help but laugh, and a fierce fighting spirit was faintly revealed in their laughter.

At the same time, the ghosts are also very hot.

Like Shura, they were also beaten to almost annihilated by the Misty Immortal Realm. If the ghost king sacrificed himself and opened a way for the ghost crowd, they would not be able to stand here.

"This time, we ghosts, we must make the Misty Immortal Realm pay the price." The new ghost king, Alorsha's face was calm, and a monstrous hatred appeared in his eyes.

He inherited the will of the ghost king and the hatred of the ghost king.

It was this hatred that allowed him and Luo Xiaoman to reach an ally's consensus. It's all because they have a common enemy. If they rely on themselves, they can't get revenge. The enemy's enemy is a friend!

At that time, Luo Xiaoman visited Guidao and said it was a visit, but he actually called him directly.

This petite guy looks soft and cute, but actually possesses unimaginable strength, and with a white-clothed boy by his side, his strength is even more terrifying.

In the end, Luo Xiaoman did not kill the ghost road, leaving only two choices.

Either join her and enter the Misty Fairy Realm, or be destroyed by her and the white-clothed youth around him!

Faced with these two choices, Aroshi naturally chose the first one.

At this moment, a burst of celestial music rang loudly and resounded through the sky, making everyone's minds tense, and they all looked towards the sky ahead.

Immediately afterwards, a line of Xianxia passed through the clouds and fell on the ground, and a group of figures exuding a powerful aura appeared.

"It's a fairy!!"

"They're finally here!!"

At this moment, everyone clenched their fists unconsciously and stared at these immortals with solemn expressions.

Behind them, most of them are condensed with two immortal wheels, three rare immortal wheels, it seems that these are just jumping clowns, not worth sending more powerful immortals.

Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes, and saw two familiar figures in this army of immortals.

"Heh, I didn't think Xu Ming was still alive." She curled her lips, not feeling strange in her heart. After all, with Xu Ming's mind, she wanted to leave a way for herself.

"The big prince!" Luo Xiaoman squinted over and stared at Qiang Wenwu closely.

Qiang Wenwu's mind tightened, and it became clear in an instant, then he took out a golden jade talisman and shouted. "solution!"

As the golden jade talisman shattered, a force turned out and merged into the vast sky bead.

In the next moment, the radiance of the Hao Tianzhu was shining, and the power radiated from it was actually integrated into everyone who had the mark.

With the entry of this force, their strength soared rapidly, all of them flushed and cheered with excitement.

"Everyone, don't get lost in the power. Next, what we have to face is a powerful immortal." Luo Xiaoman's voice resounded in everyone's ears, making these people sober. "This will be our first battle in the battle of killing immortals!"

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