"Watch me hammer you!"

Luo Xiaoman wielded a big hammer and blasted towards Li Zhi awe-inspiringly.

She can't allow this woman to completely transform, and the Lord of the Sky will be very tricky after her strength surges.

She has a hunch that the strength of the Lord Qingcang will rise to a terrifying realm!

"Palace Master!!" Seeing Luo Xiaoman's big hammer hit Li Zhi, Xu Ming exclaimed and hurriedly flew over.

He has recovered from Li Zhi's ugly face, no matter what, she is the palace owner of Qingcang Palace after all, and he is his most loyal subordinate.

At this moment, Li Zhi's gaze turned around and saw this big hammer, slamming it with a powerful force of thunder.

She only had her eyes sinking slightly, and then suddenly raised the Immortal Order.

Suddenly, Xian Zun Ling burst out with a bright light, illuminating half of the sky.

Numerous immortals looked over, and at the moment they saw the light, they all showed a dazed look.

This immortal might shocked the mind, as if the Supreme Immortal Venerable had come in person.

They did not understand why the Supreme Immortal Venerable would bestow such a precious Immortal Venerable Order to a mortal.


In the next moment, Luo Xiaoman's big hammer finally smashed over.

The sledgehammer and Xian Zun Ling's rays of light collided, bursting out a violent vigor, surging around.

"Huh?" Luo Xiaoman frowned, his mind stunned. The hammer just now, but he went all out, but was blocked by Xianzun's order.

"Luo Xiaoman, remember, Xianwei cannot be offended!" Li Zhi squinted his eyes, the ugly scars on his face healed bit by bit. "No matter how enchanting you are, a mortal is a mortal after all, and it will never be possible to surpass an immortal."

"Cut, you are not a mortal yourself." Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and said mockingly.

"The past is, now...not!" Li Zhi's eyes shrank, and then the Immortal Venerable Order pierced his heart.

"Fuck you!" Zhi Wu just caught a glimpse of this scene and couldn't help exclaiming. "Is this woman crazy? It's ruthless to insert herself by herself!"

"Idiot! Look clearly, she is going to merge the Immortal Venerable Order." Hu Yanxiu could see clearly, his expression became very solemn.

Not only them, but even the immortals were surprised.

They didn't expect that Li Zhi would pierce the Immortal Venerable Order into his heart and merge with it. There are only two results of this, either completely transforming and becoming a powerful immortal, or being unable to withstand the huge immortal power and bursting into death.

"Hurry and withdraw to the Hao Tianzhu side!!" At this moment, Luo Xiaoman felt a palpitation and hurriedly shouted.

Qiang's civil and military dared not to bear it, and hurriedly greeted the people who killed the army and quickly withdrew to the vicinity of the Hao Tianzhu. At the same time, Zhi Wu and Luo Qi also withdrew Shura and the ghost crowd.


When Luo Xiaoman and the others withdrew near the Hao Tianzhu, Li Zhi screamed from the sky, and a terrifying might erupted all over his body, shocking the mind of everyone present.

"Uh, is this unable to withstand the power and will burst into death?" Zhi Wu's four heads and eight eyes stared at Li Zhi who was wrapped in terrifying power.

"No!" Hu Yanxiu shook his head and said solemnly: "She is fusing the Immortal Order, and is about to complete the final transformation."

"Not bad!" Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes, staring at Li Zhi wrapped in white light. "As for the extent to which this woman will be promoted, it is unknown."

As the immortal power vibrated, the surrounding void was shaking, and the power of time and space dissipated, as if to tear the surrounding creatures to pieces.

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