Although this enchantment is to defend the Supreme Immortal Venerable's attack, but so many immortals work together, I am afraid that the power will not be weak at all.

"The prince, shall we retreat?" Seeing this, Zhi Wu couldn't help panicking. "With so many immortals attacking together, I'm afraid this enchantment will not be able to hold it."

"I won't retreat!" Qiang Wenwu squinted his eyes and said with a stubborn expression: "The Hao Tianzhu is the foundation of our attack on the Misty Immortal Realm. Once it is destroyed, everything will stop. For this, we must defend Haotian. Beads!"

Seeing Qiang Wenwu's firm and unrelenting expression, Zhi Wu couldn't help but glance at Luo Xiaoman next to him.

"Teacher Xiaoman, we are here waiting for the other party to attack, do you not do anything?"

Luo Xiaoman shrugged, and said disapprovingly: "Don't worry! The Hao Tianzhu, but it's a creature of heaven and earth, it can't be destroyed by anyone!"

With Luo Xiaoman's words, Zhi Wu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then the corner of her mouth twitched and became frantic again.

"Tsk tusk, you immortals are really amazing, doesn't it mean that we can squeeze the ants to death by raising your hand? Why? Now that we are blocked by an enchantment, we still have to attack together?"

After speaking, he turned his back, puckered up his butt, and patted with eight arms, making a mockery of the fairies!

Seeing him like this, the corners of Hu Yanxiu's mouth twitched, and this guy was really losing his morals all the time.

"Come on, Xiaoye is just standing here, just toss it with you!"

"Senior Xiu, do you care about Senior Zhiwu?" Luo Qi leaned over and whispered in Hu Yanxiu's ear: "It's shameful that so many people are watching."

"The shame is him, it has nothing to do with me." Hu Yanxiu turned his back, too lazy to care about this unlimited Zhi Wu.

Luo Qi blinked, but there was a secret thought in his heart, tusk, how come the more you look at Senior Xiu and Senior Zhi Wu, the more they look like a pair?

Senior Xiu saw the helplessness of Senior Zhi Wu just now, and revealed a small caring look, like a flair between lovers!


At this moment, the immortal's ultimate moves have all been released, and they merged one by one into an even more amazing power group!


With Jin Chen's low drink, this energy ball flew out and hit the barrier hard.

When the energy group hit the barrier, Qiang Wenwu's heart trembled fiercely, for fear that the barrier would be shaken.

However, when the enchantment was only rippling, the energy group was blocked, and he finally showed a calm smile.

Everything is as Mr. Ling said, except for the Supreme Immortal Venerable, no one in this world can shake the barrier of the Hao Tianzhu.

Moreover, he did not believe that the Supreme Immortal Venerable would personally visit the human world and attack Hao Tianzhu.

Once a strong man like him enters the human world, even after the three realms and six ways merge, the rules will be broken, but the world rules here will still suppress him.

At that time, the Supreme Immortal Venerable will undoubtedly put himself in a dangerous place.

"How come?!" Seeing that the energy group was blocked by the barrier, Jin Chen's whole body was not good, and Jun Lang's face was full of incredible color.

call out!

At this moment, a golden light shot swiftly and merged into the energy group.

As this golden light merged into the energy group, the entire energy group shook violently, and then burst out with an astonishing power, hitting the enchantment fiercely.

"Lord Qingcang!" Luo Xiaoman's eyes dazzled, this golden light is indeed Li Zhi who has transformed into a true fairy!

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