
Luo Xiaoman was startled slightly, only to see Li Zhi raise his hand and put the energy group gathered by the immortals in his hand.

"Don't you like hiding in the barrier very much?" Li Zhi's eyes flashed, and there was a cold tone in his tone. "Then, keep hiding in there!"


A burst of Canggu aura radiated out, instantly surrounding the barrier of the Hao Tianzhu.

Immediately afterwards, beams of light shot out from the ground and entangled into a large net, trapping Luo Xiaoman and others.

"Luo Xiaoman, can't you think of it?" Xu Mingfei landed in front of the barrier, with a frenzy on his tough face. "Although we can't break the barrier, we can seal you inside forever."

"Fuck you! I want to trap the little master and dream!!" Zhi Wu shouted violently, and then moved to kill Xu Ming.

However, before he rushed to Xu Ming, he was stopped by the big net.

"What is it?" Zhi Wu frowned, then waved eight arms, trying to tear the big net into pieces.

However, no matter how hard he tried, there was no way to shred this big net.

This big net seems to be able to absorb his power, making it impossible to use it!

"Zhi Wu, I'll help you!" Hu Yanxiu flew over, and the sharp sword in his hand slashed over quickly. The sword light shone and slashed fiercely on the big net.

Of course!

Even though Jianmang was fierce, there was no way to break this big net.

"It's useless!" Luo Xiaoman squinted at Li Zhi, knowingly in his heart, and said lightly: "This is a fairy tool, a net of heaven and earth, with your strength, there is no way to break it open."

"Ah? What should we do? Are we going to be trapped here to die?"

"Don't worry." Luo Xiaoman curled his lips, his eyes flashed with confidence. "You can't break it, I can."


She raised the big hammer, and the true essence in the sea of ​​anger turned wildly and flowed into it.

With the inflow of true essence, the big hammer spurred a bitter power, shocking everyone's mind.

Not only that, when the big hammer slammed into a powerful moment, the Hao Dzi on one side also separated a part of its power and merged into it.

"This is?!" Seeing this scene, Qiang Wenwu was stunned!

Hao Tianzhu, but controlled by their Qiang clan, how could a part of the power flow to Luo Xiaoman's side?


Without waiting for him to slow down, Luo Xiaoman was absorbing more and more power from Hao Dzi, which had reached a terrifying level.

At this moment, the armor of Luo Xiaoman's body was also shining with blue light, and a fierce and domineering beast appeared and protected behind him, suppressing this vast and boundless force.

The immortals saw Luo Xiaoman's power and felt the power contained in it, and couldn't help showing a solemn color. Is this still the power that a mortal can possess?

Even if it is a fairy, it can't compare with this force, right?

"I just said, I want you all to fly." Luo Xiaoman's eyes were shining with a fierce divine light, and the blue armor exuded a dazzling light, making it look very heroic. "So, are you all ready?"

"Is this little thing crazy? How dare you say you want us all to fly!"

"Hmph, even though she has a good power, but with the sky and the net in front, she is simply talking dreaming!!"

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