"Huh?" Luo Qi was taken aback, with a look of surprise: "Why did we enter the illusion? And, looking at this illusion, is it too real?"

He seems to be able to smell the yellow sand and feel the suffocating heat here!

Chi Chi landed on Da Bai's head, his gaze swept around sharply, and he said in a deep voice, "How can the fairy family's magic weapon be judged by ordinary thinking?"

"However, why are we trapped in the desert, not in the forest, or in the mountains? Is it because my sister's fiery heat resonates the illusion?"

Suddenly, Qiang Wenwu cast a contemptuous look.

If he guessed correctly, this illusion is random, and it is definitely not the result of resonating with this bird.

"We have to find a way to find the front of this illusion, otherwise we will never get out." He reminded.

"Boy, you know that well." Chi Chi looked over, raised his head, and hummed: "Then, let you lead the team next."

Qiang Wenwu's mouth twitched, and he was actually ordered by a bird.

If it weren't for Luo Xiaoman's sake, he would definitely burn this bird in sauce.

"I try my best!"

Next, Qiang Wenwu led everyone to the edge of the desert.

At the same time, by a lake, Zhi Wu was staring at the calm lake in a daze.

"Zhi Wu, what are you looking at?" Hu Yanxiu tilted his eyes and said solemnly, "Can't you help find a way out?"

"Xiaoxiuxiu, don't you think this place is beautiful?" Zhi Wu turned around, and a blush appeared on Junyi's face. "If I can, I really want to live here forever."

Hu Yanxiu was startled slightly, then his figure moved, raising his hand and slapped the guy.

"Hey, why are you hitting me?" Zhi Wu stared at Hu Yanxiu with wide eyes.

Hu Yanxiu stared at Zhi Wu closely, but didn't say a word. He thought he had a lot to say, and awoke this guy who was confused by the illusion.

However, when he saw his eyes with a trace of blankness, all the words were stuck in his throat.

"You are talking!" Zhi Wu frowned and said dissatisfied: "Or, do you want to fight? Even though this is an illusion, but you want to fight, I will stay with you to the end."

"Idiot!" Hu Yanxiu suffocated these two words, then turned his back to calm the waves in his heart, and then said: "This is an illusion, not a place for you to stay."

"Of course I know it is an illusion, and I don't need you to remind me."

"If we go out and get through the battle of killing immortals, let's find a place with the same environment."


Zhi Wu was stunned, and was overwhelmed by Hu Yanxiu's words! Before he recovered, Hu Yanxiu walked into the woods first.

"Inexplicable!" Zhi Wu touched her face that was still hot and painful, and muttered depressed in her heart. He always felt that Xiao Xiuxiu's attitude towards him was a bit different, and it seemed that he was more targeted at him!


Suddenly, a strong energy surged from the grove.

"Small repair!!" Zhi Wu's heart tightened, and she rushed over without thinking.

Then, he jumped in and broke into the small woods, and saw that Hu Yanxiu was bound by countless trees and vines, unable to move.

"Let go of minor repairs!!"

"Zhi Wu, don't come over!!"

Hu Yanxiu hurriedly shouted when he saw Zhi Wu rushing over. However, he was destined to be an impulsive Zhi Wu.

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