The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1859: Barbecue in the illusion!

"Xiaoman, what are you looking at?"

Kunlun walked over slowly carrying a monster of warcraft.

The monster he was carrying was larger in size, and had a more terrifying and terrifying face. It was so incompatible with his small and white clothes.

But such a terrifying monster was killed by his punch!

Of course, in order to confirm that WoW was really dead, he made a punch!

"Nothing." Luo Xiaoman turned his head and smiled, jumped up and jumped off the body of the monster.

"Xiao Kun, you have a good harvest."

Kunlun blinked and said faintly: "You said you want to pick the best, so I chose the strongest and largest here."

"Hahaha." Luo Xiaoman smiled, amused by Kunlun's uprightness. This guy didn't know, she said the best, but it meant the most delicious.

Trapped in this forest illusion, Luo Xiaoman discovered that there were many beasts of all kinds.

These monsters are powerful, each of them is huge and very scary.

However, for her little ancestor, these monsters are nothing but a delicious meal.

After eating a lot of Mo Yuan's barbecue, Luo Xiaoman saw these huge and powerful monsters. The first thing he thought of was the delicious barbecue.

"Come on, let's barbecue and go!"

Luo Xiaoman raised his hand, condensed into an obsidian sun flame, suspended in the air, preparing for a barbecue meal.

Seeing this, the corner of Li Zhi's mouth twitched, and a touch of iron cyan appeared on his cold face.

This guy actually barbecued in the illusion, and he used the heaven and earth spirit fire, which slapped her in the face fiercely!

"Palace Master, what's the matter with Luo Xiaoman? When is it, there is still a heart to barbecue?" Xu Ming's face is also very ugly, especially when seeing her and Kunlun, he graciously handles the two huge ones. World of Warcraft, has no consciousness of being in an illusion.

"Hmph, I think she is bluffing!" Jin Chen curled his lips, and a cold divine light revealed from his blue eyes. "This illusion is difficult to break even if a fairy is trapped, let alone a few mortals."

That's what I said, but Li Zhi believes that Luo Xiaoman is special. Even if the fairyland can trap even the fairy, it may not be able to trap this little ancestor.

"Xu Ming, immediately mobilize more power to strengthen Luo Xiaoman's illusion."

"Palace Master Qingcang, is it wrong to do this?" Jin Chen frowned, staring at Li Zhi suspiciously. "If too much power is poured into one illusion, it will easily lead to instability in other illusions, and unnecessary flaws will appear."

"So what?" Li Zhi squinted over, exuding an unquestionable power. "A Luo Xiaoman, with an army of slashing immortals. Even if you let others go, you must never let her go."

Jin Chen was stunned!

He couldn't think that Luo Xiaoman's threat was even bigger than an army of slashing immortals. Is this possible?

"Jin Chen, you don't know, this Luo Xiaoman in front of you is the original Luo frivolous!" Li Zhi squinted his eyes, and said every word: "The one that was besieged by the gods and Buddhas, but it was hard to hold three hundred. Round, the woman who made you pay a terrible price!"

Hearing the three words Luo Qingkuang, Jin Chen's heart tightened, recalling that extraordinary posture in his mind.

At the beginning, he also participated in the siege.

The gods and gods of the heavens, including not only the immortals, but also some Buddhas, and other gods, are fighting like this, just to deal with one evildoer, that is, Luo frivolous!

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