Mr. Ling, it seems that you value not only Luo Xiaoman herself, but also the good fortune behind her, like Zhi Wu, Hu Yanxiu, Luo Qi and others. They will definitely become a strong one in the future!

When these people gather together, it is enough to shake the entire Central Plains!

"I'll help you!" Qiang Wenwu thought, and then he held the silver star and rushed towards the thunder in the sky.

"Haha, sister is coming too!!"


Chi Chi, Da Bai also flew out, merged into the thunder, and rushed towards King Shura with those Li souls.

Like a locust, Li Soul instantly surrounded King Shura, constantly biting him, assaulting him, and plundering him.

Although their strength was weak, so many gathered together, but also stopped the footsteps of King Shura.

"Jingleilong spear!!" Qiang Wenwu took advantage of this gap, waving the silver star, stirring the thunder, so that it all gathered on the tip of the spear.

The tip of the spear shone with thunder, transforming into a thunder dragon, and pounced on King Shura.

"Red Fiend Flame!"


Chi Chi and Da Bai also used their own ultimate moves, and cooperated with the Qiang civil and military to kill together.


The thunder raged, the flames splashed, and the silver light flickered, shaking the King Shura back again and again.

"Shi Fangjie!!" At this moment, Luo Qi's eyes sank, and he raised his hand to form a seal, urging the Shi Fang Ji to die in mid-air, emitting a gloomy divine light.

With this gray divine light shining out, it quickly turned into a barrier, trapping King Shura.

"In this way, it should be possible to buy some time for Senior Zhiwu and Senior Xiu." Luo Qi looked back at Zhi Wu and Hu Yanxiu. Seeing that they were still in a state of trance, I was afraid to find the formation of fantasy. Eyes are not an easy task.

However, he has another doubt.

They resisted the illusion so much, why didn't they see the illusion evolve with other things to stop it?

As everyone knows, the current fantasy world has no power to deal with them.

Boom boom boom!

Under the attack of Qiang's civil and martial arts, Chi Chi, Da Bai, and fierce soul, King Shura madly stormed the enchantment that was all destroyed.

It's just that the Shifang Jumei is a magic weapon second only to the divine tool. How can he easily break the enchantment it placed?


Suddenly, King Shura spit out a raging flame, forcing the Qiang Civil and Martial Arts away.

Immediately afterwards, his other three faces spit out poisonous gas, thunder, and water arrows, forcing the surrounding spirits back. At the same time, the enchantment shook violently under his attack.

"Xiao Wu, can you hurry up? Sister can't hold it! You don't want to take the knife to kill the birds in order to avenge the abuse of you in the first place, right?" Chi Chi was forced back by a poisonous gas, see King Shura The offensive is getting stronger and stronger, I'm afraid it won't last long, and I can't help but curse.

"Sister Chi, how dare I? However, the eyes of this illusion are hidden too deep, and we can't help it!" Zhi Wu couldn't laugh or cry, when it was all time, Sister Chi was still in the mood to complain about him.

"Here!" Suddenly, Hu Yanxiu's eyes lit up, and the sharp sword in his hand quickly shot and pierced in a certain direction.

With a bang!

Jianmang fell into the void, seemingly nothing, but there was a muffled noise.

Immediately afterwards, the entire fantasy realm trembles violently, the world is turned upside down, the river is overwhelmed, and the Asura King seems to be stimulated and becomes more violent.

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