The immortals, full of anger, launched a violent offensive against the barrier.

It's just that the toughness of this enchantment is beyond imagination. Under the attack of so many immortals of them, it won't even move.

"Keep on attacking me!!" Jin Chen, as the leader of this offensive, wanted to earn a bit of face for the Misty Immortal Realm.

As long as they keep attacking, this barrier will definitely be broken.

However, these mortals are too leisurely facing their offensives.

Under their violent offensive, these guys didn't even have the intention to make a move, and even saw their offensive as a show while eating melons!


Their immortals are high-ranking existences, how can they let these ants blaspheme?

"Give me full attack, don't leave any extra energy!!" Jin Chen roared, his eyes were red, and he wielded a spear to give the enchantment a killer move.

However, the ultimate move combined with the ultimate move of many immortals can only make the whole enchantment tremble and restore calm again!

"These ants are too arrogant!!"

"We must punish severely!"

"Heh, don't just say it, but give it a try!"

"Santa Mu Heng, do you retain your strength?"

The immortals were full of anger from the beginning, and now they suspected each other, each of them believed that the other party did not go all out to break this barrier.

As one immortal started, more immortals complained to each other, making the originally weak offensive even weaker.

"Shut up all of you!" Jin Chen yelled coldly, scanned the immortals, and said in a deep voice: "Are you still not embarrassed enough?"

He pointed to the mortals on the platform and said with a full face: "If you don't want these mortals to watch the show and see us embarrassed, give me my all and don’t leave any extra energy. Although they are ants, they are also a group of ants. Ants that can threaten us!"

After being so scolded by Jin Chen, all the immortals fell silent.

Their eyes gradually became clear, and they no longer continued to fight!

"From now on, ten immortals will be in a group and launch an offensive against the enchantment with all their strength. Groups should cooperate with each other to maximize their attacks!"


For a time, all the immortals started to move. With ten people as a group, the team cooperated with each other to make the offensive even faster!

Under this offensive, the enchantment finally trembled violently.

"It's not good!" Zhi Wu frowned, then put the melon seeds away, and said in a deep voice: "The coordination of these immortals has improved a lot, and the offensive has become stronger. I am afraid that if this continues, the enchantment is likely to be Be breached!"

Following his speech, the people in the Holy Academy put away the mentality of watching the show, and looked at the angry fairy in the sky with solemn expression.

"Tutor Xiaoman!" Zhi Wu turned around and looked at Luo Xiaoman with a solemn expression.

Luo Xiaoman nodded, stepped up and walked out, saying: "The Fourth Army listens to the order and immediately strengthens the enchantment. First Army, Second Army, go out and kill the enemy!"

When the voice fell, everyone started to move.

Zhi Wu wanted to kill the enemy very much, but under the orders of Teacher Xiaoman, he could only lead Shura to support the operation of the barrier.

As their intervening enchantment became stronger, the original trembling movement also weakened a lot.

At the same time, Qiang Wenwu and Qiang Wenyi led the army of killing immortals and killed them, in order to disrupt the battle of immortals!

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