Seeing this knife, everyone was angry, and there was endless panic!

They knew that Shengxiantai was the foothold of the attack on the Misty World of Immortals, and once it was destroyed, there would be no way to continue this battle against the immortals!

All of a sudden, countless celestial soldiers gritted their teeth and rushed forward with no hesitation.

At this moment, they can no longer care about their lives, and just want to block the knife.

They have come this far, they must not be destroyed here!

However, this sword is coming quickly, if they want to resist, they can't keep up!


At this moment, a cold hum exploded, and a figure was seen blocking the sword light, raised his hand and squeezed it suddenly!

Everyone took a deep breath and looked at this figure in shock.

"It's the Supreme Emperor!!" They recognized this figure and cheered with excitement. After holding back for so long, their Supreme Emperor finally made a move!

Qiang Heng squinted his eyes, staring coldly at the real fairy.

He carried one hand on his back, and the other hand was holding the sword light, his expression was cold, and his whole body exuded a powerful aura.

He originally didn't want to take action at this time, keeping the strength against the strongest one.

It's a pity that if you don't make a move now, I'm afraid Sheng Sendai will be smashed into pieces by this knife.

"Boy, since you forced me to make a move, then do the awakening of being destroyed!" Qiang Heng's eyes flashed, and his hands squeezed the blade to pieces.


The true immortal was bitten back by the power of the sword light, and a mouthful of blood came out.

He looked at Qiang Heng with a panic expression, this guy exuded an awe-inspiring aura, that kind of intimidation was even stronger than their immortals, and more thrilling!

"Be careful!!" The companion's exclamation sounded, making the true fairy come back to his senses.

However, when he came back to his senses, Qiang Heng had come to him at a terrifying speed, and the sense of threat was even stronger, like needles piercing into his bone marrow!

"Dead!" Qiang Heng was condescending, staring at the real immortal, then suddenly raised his hand, first smashed the golden light beam, and then squeezed the real immortal's head.


The immortals had their eyes open and wanted to rush up, but due to Qiang Heng's coercion, they had to stabilize their minds and did not dare to move.

The next moment, Qiang Heng's cruel heart made them feel chilly!

With a bang!

Without a word, Qiang Heng squeezed the head of this true immortal.

Immediately afterwards, his power became violent, and even his soul was crushed together!

Seeing this scene, all the immortals were dumbfounded, and the army of Falling Immortals cheered and was impressed by the power of the Supreme Emperor!

When he raised his hand, he smashed the head of a real immortal, and smashed his soul into pieces.

With such strength, I'm afraid that even the Supreme Immortal Venerable can't help but sigh!

"Everyone, I believe you have had enough of these immortals' lofty attitudes. Today, I will be with you to let these self-respecting guys understand that we mortals are not so easy to handle!"

Following Qiang Heng's call, everyone immediately responded with cheers, and then they worked harder to kill the immortal.

Although the offensive of the celestial army is getting more and more fierce, the strength of the immortals is too strong after all, and they can only be matched by the advantage of their numbers.

"Xiaoman, this is no way to go on." Kunlun frowned, looking worried. He wasn't worried about the army, he was worried about Xiaoman!

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