When Yin Guang was pinched, the attacking real immortal immediately opened his eyes wide, his face in disbelief.

This silver light was his ultimate move, powerful enough to penetrate the body of a true immortal.

However, such a powerful silver light was pinched by this woman with her bare hands.

Does this woman have the strength to surpass the true immortal? However, if she had such a strong strength, how could she be injured by a golden fairy just now?

"Xian'er, are you okay?" Luo Mushan's heart tightened, and he smashed the silver light, looking at Xian'er worriedly.

"I, I... um..." Suddenly, Xian'er's eyes flashed with a mysterious light, and before she finished speaking, her head pierced and made her snorted, but she fainted!

This scene was collected in Qiang Heng's eyes!

Judging from the mighty power that Mount Luo Mu just exploded, that powerful breath of power revealed a breath of Qiang blood, and it was extremely pure.

"Unexpectedly, you are really alive. However, it is really great that you are alive!" Qiang Heng hooked his lips, and suddenly he throbbed in his heart, and quickly raised his eyes to look at the nine heavens, that one. The magnificent palace.

"What's the matter? This coercion... Could it be that the Supreme Immortal Venerable is about to make a move?" His heart tightened when he thought of this.

The current battle situation has become more and more out of control, whether it is on the side of the Celestial Army or the fairy, it is developing in an unforeseen situation.

Luo Mushan, Xian'er, Luo Qinghen and others were all the instigators of this incident.

This means that the Supreme Immortal Venerable has every reason to attack them!

"Defensive formation!!"

Without waiting for Qiang Heng to come back to his senses, Luo Xiaoman showed fear on his face and hurriedly shouted to everyone.

Everyone was stunned, just a daze, they immediately put aside the enemy, combined with each other, formed a defense!

When the formation took shape, a sword light fell from above the nine heavens.

When everyone saw this sword light, they couldn't help holding their breath, and there was a look of panic on their faces.

What they saw from this sword light was destruction!


The sword light smashed into their formation, without any stagnation, it tore it to pieces and turned it into nothingness.

However, when everyone thought that the sword was about to slash them, it was Chaosheng Sendai slashing it.


The sword light fell on the Shengxiantai, and the terrible power erupted, instantly annihilating Shengxiantai!

"This, this..." When everyone saw this scene, they all showed grief and indignation. He was promoted to Sendai, but their important stronghold. Once destroyed, how can this battle of killing immortals continue?

"Xianzun is unstoppable!"

At this time, all the immortals cheered and cheered for the sword light of the Supreme Immortal!

"Lost Shengxiantai, they are like rootless duckweed, vulnerable! Kill me, don't keep one!!"

For a time, the immortals killed one after another.

The morale of the people who lost Shengxiantai was greatly affected, and unexpectedly retired.

Suddenly, a burst of suffocating coercion spread, only to see a series of void doors appearing, surrounding the entire collapsed Shengxiantai.

"No?! Come again?!" Zhi Wu saw so many void doors, her heart trembled fiercely, this time it was really over!

"Haha, here comes!" However, Qiang Ting laughed loudly. "The time we have to wait is finally here!"

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