Although Mo Yuan could not rush back, Luo Xiaoman was even more determined to destroy the entire misty fairy world and defeat the Supreme Immortal!

Nothing else, just to lift the curse he gave Mo Yuan!

Boom boom boom! !

Suddenly, a burst of unusual explosions exploded, attracting Luo Xiaoman's attention.

She looked over and saw Luo Mushan was holding Xian'er, facing the siege of countless immortals!

"What's the matter with these immortals? Why are they all besieging and killing them?" Luo Xiaoman was very puzzled, but couldn't think about it so much, so he carried a big hammer and killed him.

No matter what the reason is, dare to touch her parents and fly!

"Three styles of breaking the sky, the first style, falling marks!!" Luo Xiaoman yelled, waving a big hammer, and smashing fiercely at the immortals who were besieging father and mother.

The tyrannical power and domineering spirit shocked the minds of these immortals.

They all looked at this petite girl, but wielding a hammer that was bigger than her. The shock was not only a visual shock, but also a spiritual shock.


The hammer fell, and power erupted.

Many immortals were shocked and flew out, vomiting blood one by one, their faces looked scared.

Is this still mortal power?

Even if it's a true fairy, that's all right?

"Devil Concubine, you are the best! I am wailing for you!!" At this time, the blood emperor waved Yan Prison and cheered for Luo Xiaoman.

The evil general next to him rolled his eyes, this guy yelled so enthusiastically, I was afraid it was not to remedy the embarrassment he had met with the demon concubine for the first time.

Even if the Demon Concubine doesn't care, if the Demon Venerable knows, he will be stripped of his skin!

After all, Mozun is the wife-loving demon among the people!

"The demon army listens to the order, kill with me!!" The evil general simply gave orders to the many demon army. "Stop these immortals who dare to hurt the demon concubine's relatives!!"

"Woohoo!!" Numerous demon armies rushed over, their eyes flashing with cold killing intent, not only to follow the evil general's orders, but also to vent their inner resentment towards the immortals.

Watching the demon army and the immortal army fighting together, the army of slashing immortals watching on the side knows that they can no longer stand idly by!

"Go on, support the demon army!!"

Following Qiang Ting's order, many immortal-slashing army immediately killed them.

They have confirmed through Luo Xiaoman that the demon army is a reinforcement, and once the two of them are combined, they will be absolutely invincible!

It's just that they never expected that there would be a day when they would cooperate with the Demon Realm to fight the Misty Fairy Realm together.

At this time, Jin Chen couldn't help feeling trembling when seeing the situation becoming more and more unfavorable for them. "Retreat! Retreat to Erzhongtian immediately!!"

With a barrier of the first heaven, there is no way to block the impact of the demon army, only the barrier of the second heaven can resist one or two.

"Chasing, you must not let these fairy cubs slip away!"

"Hahaha, the Lord hasn't killed him yet, so hurry up to stay and let the Lord feel refreshed!!"

The demon army and the immortal army, like a torrent, chased and killed the immortals frantically.

As for the immortal, he was in an unprecedented embarrassment and quickly withdrew to the second heaven.

"Don't attack Yizhongtian!" At this moment, Luo Xiaoman shouted, as if he wanted to keep Yizhongtian.

However, when the immortals withdrew to the second heaven, a terrifying aura permeated from the first heaven, shocking everyone present.

"No! These guys actually want to make a great heaven destroy themselves!!" The evil general exclaimed, and then hurriedly shouted: "All the demons, immediately withdraw to the position of ascending to Sendai, the world-buying demon enchantment!"

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