The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1895: Counterattack (reward plus 1)

"Immortal Jinchen, those mortals have actually raised an entire city! Now that the army and the demon army are in this city, I am afraid they will use it as a foothold."

Upon hearing this news, Jin Chen's face was ugly.

Originally, the entry rules of Misty Fairy World were very high, one was to prevent mortals from intruding, and the other was to screen mortals who really qualified to be in the immortal class.

For them, if these mortals really have enough strength to challenge the entry rules of the Misty Immortal Realm, they don't mind breaking away from the mortal and becoming immortal for these mortals.

However, these mortals have actually raised a city, and there are not only cultivators, but also ordinary mortals. This is undoubtedly a challenge to Xianwei!

Not only that, they are still telling the immortals that they want to enter the Misty Realm, and the rules of heaven can't stop them, so they directly raise a city.

"These mortals are too arrogant!" An immortal said cursingly: "How dare you look at the rules of the misty fairy world!"

"Heh, Immortal Bichi, they have already called, don't you think this is a bit ridiculous?" Another immortal curled his lips, mocking.

"Fairy Rhodophyta, what do you mean? Have the ability to say one more thing!"

"What do you mean by me?"

"Don't quarrel!" Jin Chen squeezed his eyebrows impatiently, interrupting the quarrel of the two immortals. "This is an extraordinary period. We should not engage in internal strife, but should unite as one, unite externally!"

After saying this, he was slightly startled, feeling a little ridiculous!

When did their immortals fall to the point where they want to unite and treat mortals together?

Not only him, but the other immortals all looked resentful.

If in the past, wouldn't their immortals all lift their fingers, could they crush these mortals?

And now, they were actually paying a price of ascending to Sendai, and there is still a heavy price, and they have not been able to drive these mortals back.

However, what shocked them the most was that the demon army that had always been doing its own way also joined the camp of mortals.

They can despise mortals, but they dare not despise the demon army, this is the same level as their immortals!

"Who is Jinchen?" At this moment, a burly fairy came over, and those two eyes swept across the fairy like electric lights, making their hearts tremble.

This is a fairy general!

They were shocked in their hearts, this war, after all, let these powerful immortals join in.

"I am!" Jin Chen stood up and looked at the immortal general respectfully.

"From now on, the command of the fairy army will be under my control!" The immortal general said without question: "This general is named Yuhong."

"I have seen Immortal General Yuhong!"

Yuhong expressed his satisfaction with the attitude of the immortals. He pointed to Jin Chen and said lightly: "From now on, you will be the general's lieutenant!"

"Yes!" Jin Chen answered without saying a word.

"All the immortals listen to the order!" Yuhong said with a solemn expression, "Immediately prepare and counterattack the enemy!"

Before everyone came back to their senses, Yuhong turned around and walked out.

"So urgent?" Jin Chen frowned, muttering to himself.

Now that the Demon Army is in an alliance with the mortals, their strength should not be underestimated, and there is a floating city in front of them, they have just withdrawn to the Second Heaven, their state has not been adjusted...

"Look at Immortal Jinchen!" Suddenly, Immortal Bichi pointed to the sky and looked at the powerful figures with surprise on his face.

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