The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1897: Exclusive to her style!

"Freshly baked melon seeds, a bag of ten gold coins, fast and slow!"

"I'm going! Bai Hang, are you too bad, right? Lord Mouse dare not sell it like that!"

"Huh, do you want love!"

Seeing Bai Hang's proud face and not worried about the appearance of selling, they were so confident because of the absence of Lord Mouse and unable to provide them with melon seeds!

However, now that a good show is about to be staged, how can they miss such an opportunity to watch the show?

"Give me a copy!"


Suddenly, on the wall of the Floating City, there was a scene that surprised the immortals.

Everyone from the Holy Academy moved over to the stools, holding melon seeds in their hands, looking at them leisurely, as if they were waiting for a good show to begin!

"What do these guys want to do? By the way, they are provoking!!!" Yu Hongxian yelled angrily, so angry that he couldn't maintain the arrogance and dignity of being a fairy general.

The other immortals are also very angry. They are immortals above the top, and they are watched by a group of mortals. How can they bear this bad breath?

Not only were the immortals angry, but the demons who had never seen Luo Xiaoman and others' style before were also stunned.

"What are they doing? Nicking melon seeds, moving stools, watching a good show?" The Blood Emperor turned his head, and said to the evil general with his neck: "This, is this too provocative?"

The evil general rolled his eyes, and said calmly: "You have just been resurrected and have never been in contact with the devil concubine. You will always get used to it!"

The blood emperor was stunned!

So, this good style is brought out by the devil concubine?

Suddenly, he glanced at Luo Xiaoman, only to see that the demon concubine was eating a candied haws, and she looked so beautiful that she could definitely anger a group of immortals.

"Devil Concubine!!" The Blood Emperor couldn't help shouting violently, staring at the big eyes, and rushed over.

"Give me one too!"

I thought that this guy was going to attack Luo Xiaoman, who knew that a sentence like this would make him stagger and almost fell down.

"Come on, here you are!" Zhi Wu handed over a handful of melon seeds and grinned: "Candied haws and lollipops are exclusive to Teacher Xiaoman. We can only eat this."

"Is that so?" The Blood Emperor blinked, then took Zhi Wu's melon seeds and pinched a melon seed. "Can this thing be eaten?"

"Don't you know if you try?" Zhi Wu shrugged, too lazy to explain to him too much.

The blood emperor frowned, with a suspicion, carefully toss a melon seed into his mouth. "I'm going! One bite, can this be eaten?"

Zhi Wu raised his hand and held his forehead, but was defeated by the ignorant Blood Emperor, "Melon seeds, it's not that way!"

Then, he taught the blood emperor how to eat melons.

The blood emperor was also an individual talent, and he knew everything, and soon he tasted the taste of eating melon seeds.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect your adaptability to be very strong!" Zhi Wu affirmed the adaptability of the blood emperor. So far, the people who joined their army of eating melons, in addition to the floating city, some people from the army of immortals are also quietly proceeding.

I have to say that the influence of Xiaoman's tutor is really great!

"Hahaha!" The blood emperor laughed, waved his hand, and shouted to the demon army: "Brothers, move this general's tiger-head chair..."

"Move your head!" Before he finished speaking, the evil general throbbed and knocked **** his forehead. "Eating melons and watching a show is someone else's business, we have something to do."

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