The golden light around the Supreme Immortal Venerable finally trembled.

Facing Luo Xiaoman's full blow, Kunlun held Xuanyuanjian again, and his life gate was opened at this moment.


The golden light trembled and suddenly turned into a hand, squeezing the dragon that had been transformed into a spiritual force.

"Huh?!" Luo Xiaoman's pupils shrank, and he looked at Supreme Immortal Venerable in shock, and said in disbelief: "You can still free your hands?"

"Luo Xiaoman, any struggle is futile. The difference in strength between you and me is too big." Supreme Immortal Venerable said indifferently: "However, if you give you enough time, maybe you will grow to overpower. Existence above me."

"So, I won't let this happen."

When the voice fell, the Supreme Immortal Venerable held the Jiaolong backhand and threw it back!

Luo Xiaoman's mind tightened. He wanted to regain control of this killer move, but found that there was no way to regain control of this killer move. He could only watch this mental power flood dragon attack.

"Xiaoman!!" Kunlun was anxious and wanted to turn around and save Luo Xiaoman. However, in order to contain Xuanyuanjian, he also imprisoned himself at the same time.

Unless Xuanyuan Sword is completely integrated, otherwise, he can't move.


At this moment, a burst of dragon sound exploded, and a huge flood dragon fell from the sky, violently biting this spiritual dragon.

Seeing this dragon, Luo Xiaoman's pupils shrank and exclaimed: "Little dragon?!"

"Roar! Dare to bully my mother and kill you!" The ancient devil dragon roared in rage, a pair of dragon eyes gleaming fierce divine light, and severely bit the dragon that was transformed by this ultimate move. .

Immediately afterwards, he meandered and flew towards the Supreme Immortal Venerable.


The golden light of the Supreme Immortal Venerable's body trembled again, turning into countless golden lights, and wrapped around the ancient devil dragon.

"Roar!!" The wild ancient magic dragon roared and hurriedly avoided, but there were too many golden lights, and it was quickly entangled.

"Hey, it seems that what I was worried about finally happened." The voice of Supreme Immortal Venerable revealed a sense of sadness and helplessness. "Devil, come out."

The voice fell, and a void gate appeared, appearing in midair.

Immediately afterwards, a long figure slowly walked out of the void gate.

Seeing this figure, Luo Xiaoman could no longer conceal his excitement and shouted: "Yuan!"

He is really here!

He finally fulfilled their promises to each other and arrived in time!

"Xiaoman, I'm sorry, I'm late." Mo Yuan looked at Luo Xiaoman, his eyes were so gentle and petting. If he hadn't fallen into a coma, he would never let this little guy face the Supreme Immortal alone. Respect.

Now that he came, he wouldn't let the Supreme Immortal Venerable hurt her half a point.

Mo Yuan slowly landed on the ground, still wearing the elegant black and white cloak. The ponytail that was originally tied has now exploded and swaggered wildly behind him, adding a trace of evil and arrogance to him.

"Supreme Immortal Venerable, we can do a break now." Mo Yuan's voice was low, with a hint of coolness, and the thick black energy rolled around his body, turning into countless fierce demons, yelling frantically at the Supreme Immortal Venerable.

"You can't kill me." The Supreme Immortal Venerable said indifferently: "The two of us are not opposites."

"Heh, what are you talking about?" Mo Yuan twitched his mouth, raised his hand and took out the Liuli Guqin, and said nonchalantly: "Since ancient times, the immortal and demons are not compatible. Today, either the immortal world will die or the demon world will die!

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