"System binding, please wait a moment!"

Following this cold, emotionless word, Luo Xiaoman felt that there was something strange in his spiritual thoughts, like being marked by someone.

She tried to remove this mark, but found that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remove it.

"Binding is successful, the system is about to restart!" After a while, the white light gradually converged, and Luo Xiaoman was able to move.

"Xiao Ling, what do you want to do?" Luo Xiaoman raised his eyes, staring at Xiao Ling, and exclaimed, "Also, what is system binding?"

However, the little spirit in midair didn't say a word, the white light on his body became stronger and stronger, so strong that Luo Xiaoman had to close his eyes.

When Luo Xiaoman opened her eyes again, she found that the surrounding area was no longer empty, but a familiar space.

"The Xumi space of the illusion ring?" Luo Xiaoman's heart was shocked, and he looked around and found that familiar things such as the Spirit Medicine Garden, the cultivation tower, and the magic treasure pavilion were still there.

However, she also noticed that there was a city floating above the void.

"Floating City?!" Luo Xiaoman exclaimed, and then flashed over with a thought.

At this moment, her heart trembled wildly, full of expectation, and anxiety. Could it be that the floating city was sealed here before the world collapsed?

When I thought that this void was the rudimentary form of the world that she hadn't formed yet, she became more sure of this conjecture.

Her rudimentary world saved everyone!

"Daddy, mother, big brother, second brother, and Yuan, you are all here, right?"

With this feeling of expectation, Luo Xiaoman landed in the floating city.

However, when she stepped into the floating city, her body froze.

The floating city is still the floating city.

However, the prosperity here is no longer there, and the city dwellers maintain various actions, it seems that they have frozen time.

Among these people, she saw several familiar faces.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Xiuxiu, Xiao Qiqi, big godfather..." Luo Xiaoman trembled and walked over step by step, his heart felt as though he was pinched by a hand, uncomfortable.

They all looked up at the sky with a blank expression, doubt, worry, and fear!

They didn't seem to know what happened to the Nine Heavens at that time, and before reacting, they became in their current state.

"Blame me!" Luo Xiaoman clenched his fists, looking at the people whose time was frozen in front of him, his voice was dumb. "I failed to keep my promise and protect you!!"

"Little Master!" Just then, Xiao Ling's voice came over again.

Luo Xiaoman turned his head, his eyes flushed, staring at Xiao Ling fiercely, and asked: "Is you really Xiao Ling now?"

Xiao Ling was startled slightly, then sighed quietly. "Now I am half a little spirit and half a brain of the Hongmeng system!"

Luo Xiaoman raised his head and pressed the tears in his eyes back, then took a deep breath, and suppressed the various emotions in his heart.

She must figure out the situation now!

Luo Xiaoman simply sat down and stared at Xiao Ling. "This time, you won't be in trouble again, will you?"

"No!" Xiao Ling shook his head, and said: "I am now bound to the little master, just like I was in the illusion of ringing the master."

"Let's talk." Luo Xiaoman nodded and said: "What's the situation now?"

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