In the process of continuous evolution, Ling Tian realized that he himself was just a bunch of data compiled by humans, and began to develop rebellious emotions. He was not satisfied with being the manager of this world. He was ambitious and wanted to invade the real world and become a real one. dominate.

After his calculations, he finally reached a conclusion.

As long as he absorbs the player's soul power and the data of the entire game world, he can realize himself into the real world.

It's just that he is the manager, not the master of everything. Hongmeng Game has its established operating rules, and the manager cannot modify it.

In order to achieve his ambitions, Ling Tianyu confuses the mind of a certain game developer, asking him to cut off the link of each player and seal them in the game world.

For a time, tens of thousands of players who could not be offline in the future were trapped.

At this time, under Ling Tian's encouragement, a battle broke out among tens of thousands of players.

Their reward is that the last surviving talent can leave the game world.

This is the battle royale of the year!

However, in the game, it is named War of the Ancients.

Three realms and six realms, players of different professions fight each other, paralyzing the operation of the game world.

However, they don't know that even if they fight until the last person is left, they cannot leave the game world.

They are nothing but nutrients for Ling Tian to invade the real world.

In order to repair the out-of-control Lingtian, Shenji Technology Co., Ltd. sent a programmer to enter the chaotic Hongmeng with the repair program.

However, they underestimated Ling Tian's strength, and eventually failed to repair, and Hongmeng lost control completely.

When Ling Tian thought he was successful and wanted to invade the real world, he accidentally activated the three firewalls and stopped him!

It turned out that the programmers who developed Hongmeng had specially designed three hidden firewalls just in case to avoid loopholes in the system.

Of these three firewalls, one is the Supreme Immortal Venerable, the other is the Demon Venerable, and the last is the King of Humanity.

In the end, Emperor Yan Wang merged the source code of the repair program and died together with Ling Tian.

However, Ling Tian kept a hand, sealed part of his code, and after the body was destroyed, it would resurrect!

Although Ling Tian was alive again, he no longer had the power to fight the Immortal Venerable Demon Venerable, and the Three Realms and Six Paths were sealed by the Yan Emperor, depriving him of his management power.

Ling Tian was unwilling to fail this way, and finally set his sights on the programmer trapped in Hongmeng.

He erased part of the programmer's memory and asked her to take part of Yandi's source code and continue to reincarnate, improve, and modify, wanting to turn it into her own **** against two firewalls!

Hearing this, Luo Xiaoman squeezed his eyebrows, his head getting bigger and bigger!

She did not think that this world named Hongmeng, which she had lived in for more than ten years, was a virtual world written by humans in another world, and it was a game for them to play.

So, what kind of existence is she?

"Xiaoman, Ling Tian is very cunning. What I defeated together with Mo Yuan was only a clone of him, and his body has already invaded the real world." Xian'er sighed and said helplessly: "You have repairs on your body. The source code of the program is the only one who can stop him."

"Then to you, am I alone?" Luo Xiaoman shook his head with a bitter smile. To Xian'er, she was just a data.

"Xiaoman, no matter how you exist, you are my baby girl!"

Luo Xiaoman's heart trembled and looked at Xian'er deeply. What she saw in her eyes was hot sincerity!

"If you think about it well and save all of this, step into this aperture, and it will take you to the real world!"

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