Luo Xiaoman blinked and looked at these new things curiously.

Fortunately, her receptivity and adaptability have always been very strong. After some consideration, she quickly adapted!

In the upper left corner of this interface, there are the words True Yuan Value, followed by a zero, which should mean that her current True Yuan value is zero.

Looking further down, it is a simple menu, such as magic weapons, spiritual pills, rare spiritual treasures and so on. At the same time, under these items, there are various grades, from the worst D grade to the best SSS grade, at a glance.

"Little Master, in order for you to have enough capital to fight Ling Tian, ​​Mother Xian'er has fully stretched your physical fitness." With that, Xiao Ling opened another interface, which showed Luo Xiaoman's physical data. , Strength, speed, reaction, mental power... all are SSS.

"Tsk tusk, isn't it invincible with such a strong physical fitness?" Luo Xiaoman tutted, wondering, and sighed secretly that the hook his mother gave her was too big?

"As far as I know, the strongest person in this world is only SS physique. So, the little master is indeed invincible!"

Well, my mother really loves her, look, this one is going to go to heaven!

"Oh, yes!" Xiao Ling buttoned his butt, took out a ball of light from his belly and handed it over. "This is the three thousand true yuan prepared by Mother Xian'er for you."

"Woo, Xian'er mother is too good, right?" Luo Xiaoman was so touched, he couldn't imagine that besides adjusting her physical fitness, he also specially prepared Zhenyuan!

When she received three thousand true yuan, the ball of light was also integrated into her body. Immediately afterwards, the original true yuan with zero in the upper left corner immediately became three thousand.

"Little Master, the things that Xian'er Mother has prepared for you are more than these." Xiao Ling smiled playfully, and said triumphantly: "In order for you to better fight Ling Tian in this world, she chose for you. A body. This body has a noble status, countless wealth and rights."

"Woo, mother Xian'er, Xiaoman loves you!" From Xian'er's arrangement, Luo Xiaoman felt full of love in it.

With such top-level physical quality, three thousand real yuan, and such a noble status, she is confident that Ling Tian's trouble can be solved quickly.

"Next, let me take a look, what can these three thousand real yuan be exchanged for?" Luo Xiaoman hummed a small song while dialing the menu on the interface.

Suddenly, her fingers stiffened, and she stared straight at a magic weapon on it.

"Kun, Kunlun?!" Luo Xiaoman stared at the two characters displayed on the interface, could she exchange the fourth artifact, Kunlun?

Suddenly, she quickly wanted to exchange Kunlun out. "Xiao Ling, I want to exchange Kun... I go, shouldn't it be so expensive?!"

Seeing the four numbers 9999, Luo Xiaoman was confused! She thought that three thousand real yuan was enough and could be exchanged for a lot of things, but in the end it took three three thousand real yuan to exchange for SSS magic weapon, which made her instantly collapse.

"Little Master, don't be discouraged, true essence can be obtained through cultivation." Xiao Ling comforted. "This world has been ruled by Ling Tian, ​​and human society has degraded to the age of cold weapons. Since then, Gu Wu has become an important means for mankind to fight Ling Tian!"

"People who practice ancient martial arts are collectively referred to as true martial artists. They are similar to practitioners in the Hongmeng world, and they have strengths different from ordinary people."

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