While she was speaking, Hongmeng's system also had some changes, and the original value of true yuan that was cleared to zero instantly became one thousand.

Seeing this change, Luo Xiaoman was very encouraged.

She was still worrying about how to quickly increase the true yuan value next, but now there is a thousand more true yuan, which can save a lot of things.

"Xiaoxiuxiu, are you okay?" Zhi Wu hurriedly rushed over and hugged Hu Yanxiu. However, Hu Yanxiu has fallen into a coma, unconscious.

"Minor repairs are just exhausted and he passed out into a coma. Just let him rest for a while and he will wake up soon."

Hearing what Luo Xiaoman said, Zhi Wu's heart was completely relieved.

"Okay, we should discuss business matters." Suddenly, Luo Xiaoman's expression was serious, and he said with a serious face: "Although I am very unwilling to provoke Ling Tian, ​​now Ling Tian has taken the initiative to come to the door, we can Can’t just wait and die."

"Teacher Xiaoman, although you are right, we can't just sit and wait, but I am in a terrible situation now, I am afraid I don't have enough energy to deal with Ling Tian!" Zhi Wu put Hu Yanxiu on a small bed in the reception room, worried. Said: "In order to fuse this body, my own strength has almost been exhausted. From the current strength, it is almost like a Tier 3 true warrior!"

Tier 3 True Warrior? Luo Xiaoman raised an eyebrow, this strength has exceeded her expectations!

From the beginning, she didn't expect Zhi Wu to retain much strength after crossing over.

After all, after passing through, she was bound to a Hongmeng system, and her strength was not as good as an ordinary person.

Then, she looked at Mo Yuan again.

"Tier 9 True Martial Artist!" Mo Yuan's tone was light, coupled with his cold temperament, he was too handsome to be undesirable.

Just like a peerless master who seeks defeat alone!

"Lying grass!!" Zhi Wu directly exploded, and then licked his face quickly, and said flatly to him: "Big man, are you missing a leg pendant?"

"Fuck!" Mo Yuan shot over with a look, instantly causing Zhi Wu to wilt.

He pursed his lips and felt depressed. He must have had his brain twitched, and he wanted to hold Master Mo Yuan's thigh!

This is the exclusive bodyguard of Xiaoman's mentor, can he hold it casually?

Well, so, he decided to hug Teacher Xiaoman's thigh!


Before Zhi Wu could look over, Luo Xiaoman took the lead to give him a scroll.

Suddenly, Zhi Wu squatted down beside Hu Yanxiu, grievingly drawing circles on the ground. "Minor repairs, you have to wake up as soon as possible. From now on, we will depend on each other!"

"Yuan, it seems that among us, you are the main combat power!" Luo Xiaoman sighed. Fortunately, Mo Yuan has enough strength so that they can avoid many detours in the future.

"Even though I am a ninth-tier true martial artist, I can be said to be the strongest man, but compared to Ling Tian, ​​it is still a lot worse." Mo Yuan frowned, and said solemnly: "I have been to the surface. Have seen Ling Tian's strength!"

"He is already the king on the surface, commanding a powerful intelligent mechanical army. If we want to kill Ling Tian, ​​we must withstand the impact of the intelligent mechanical army."

"Yuan, have you been to the surface?" Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up, and he asked quickly: "Is it possible to send me to the surface?"

Mo Yuan frowned and looked at Luo Xiaoman suspiciously. "To get to the surface now, you must get the approval of the top commander. Due to the recent insecurity, the new world is closed, no one is allowed to leave."

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