"Little Master, do you want to directly use one thousand True Yuan to transform your physique?" At this moment, Xiao Ling jumped out and asked questioningly.

Luo Xiaoman shook his head, then called up the exchange interface, and quickly fixed his eyes on the same pill.

"Washing the marrow pill?!" Seeing the name of this pill, Xiao Ling couldn't help but let out a startled voice.

"It's too bad to use one thousand real yuan to transform your physique. It is used to exchange a bottle of marrow washing pills. Isn't it fragrant?"

"Wow, why didn't I expect it?" Xiao Ling's eyes lit up and said: "With the effect of Marrow Pill, it is absolutely no problem to transform your body into a top physique!"

Luo Xiaoman curled the corners of his lips, then exchanged a bottle of Marrow Pill without hesitation. Seeing the true yuan value returned to zero, her heart was bleeding.

The current true value is very precious, and it is gone after using it, and there is no way to replenish it yet.

"It doesn't matter, first raise this garbage body."

Luo Xiaoman poured out a cleansing marrow pill, and a familiar smell of medicinal scent came out, making her look surprised. "Is this the marrow pill refined by my elder brother?"

"Little master, this is the highest quality marrow pill in Hongmeng World. Apart from your Tsing Yi brother, who else can refine it?" Xiao Ling smiled, but gave Luo Xiaoman a surprise.

Looking at this marrow pill, Luo Xiaoman's eyes have a soft light, no matter where she is, the elder brother is guarding her.

I don’t know, is the second brother guarding her in another way like the eldest brother?

"Xiao Ling, you said the eldest brother, and the second elder brother, will they pass through like a minor repair?"

"Yes... right?"

"Yes!" Luo Xiaoman's eyes gradually became firm, and immediately swallowed the Xisui Pill. "I believe they will show up!"

As soon as the Xisui Pill entered the mouth, the medicinal effect burst out instantly, like a manic ocean wave, constantly rushing to Luo Xiaoman's meridians.


Luo Xiaoman let out a painful snort, his body softened, and he knelt down immediately.

She gritted her teeth and endured this inhuman pain.

Washing the marrow pill, as the name suggests, is to wash the marrow and cut the sutras, so that your body will be reborn and become the most suitable state for cultivation.

It's just that this process is quite painful. If you can't bear it, you will die in minutes.

Fortunately, Luo Xiaoman has never experienced any storms, this bit of pain can still be endured, but she still can't help but complain!

"Do you want this body to be so rubbish!"

The worse the physique, the greater the reaction of washing the marrow and cutting the sutra, even a person like Luo Xiaoman who can bear it, can't help but complain about the body of the original owner.

Not only was his physique poor, but there were also many old injuries and ills that all broke out at this moment.

After some painful torture, Luo Xiaoman was limp on the ground, panting for breath, his whole body was wet with sweat, sticky, and some black mucus was oozing out of the pores of his body. Toxins excreted from the body.

"Fortunately, Yuan is not here, otherwise, it would be so embarrassing!" Luo Xiaoman smiled bitterly, and then began to struggle slowly.

Although this body was in a weak state after cleaning the marrow and cutting the sutras, the whole body has become very relaxed, as if it was reborn.

"Xiao Ling, how do you think Xisui Pill compares with the potential potions in this world?" Luo Xiaoman asked as he sorted it out.

"Does this still need to be said? Xisui Pill completely hits the potential potion!" Xiao Ling said proudly: "If the potential potion is one transformation of the body, then the Xisui Pill is one hundred...Wait, little master , Do you want to..."

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