Not only that, Zhou Fucang also held a light blade in his hand, staring at them coldly.

"Tuesday son, what do you mean?" The killer stared at the Qingjun, cold young man in surprise, his whole body was dazed!

They were hired by Zhou Liang to get rid of Zhou Qingmu, but now his son is about to stir up!

"What do you mean?" At this time, Zhou Fusheng also walked over, holding a big axe in his hand, and hummed: "Of course I beat you to death!"

The killers looked at each other, completely wondering what was going on?

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, they are afraid that they can't continue to do it, and they must ask Zhou Liang for an explanation!

"let's go!"

Suddenly, the killers retreated immediately!

"Want to go?!" Zhou Fucang's eyes sank, and his figure moved, chasing the killers.

The light blade in his hand swung out again and again, with a flash of cold light, forcing the killers into embarrassment.

"I am cutting, I am cutting, I am cutting and cutting!!" Zhou Fusheng wielded a big axe, and the tiger roared into the battle circle, forcing the killers to cry secretly.

After all, these two are the sons of Zhou Wei and Zhou Liang, and the sons of their employers. If they are injured, it is hard to explain.

However, if they don't fight back, they will end badly!

Luo Xiaoman blinked and watched such a dramatic scene with a bewildered face. She had no idea that these two cousins ​​would draw their swords to help each other. Seeing their posture, they hated these killers to the bone!

However, in Zhou Qingmu's memory, these two cousins ​​usually bullied her a lot, all kinds of ridicule, all kinds of trampling on dignity, they are not regarded as relatives!

"Really...interesting!" Luo Xiaoman touched his chin and sat down, eating a lollipop while watching a good show.

Soon, the assassins fought for the price of missing arms and legs, and froze out of the siege and escaped from the Zhou family mansion.

"It's over!" Luo Xiaoman stood up, patted his butt, and prepared to ask the two cousins ​​for advice. "Two..."

"Xiaoman!!" Before she could finish, Zhou Fucang dropped the light blade in his hand, ran over and hugged her.

Luo Xiaoman stiffened, with a look of bewilderment.

He... just called me Xiaoman? !

Could it be...

"Brother, are you holding enough? It's my turn!" Zhou Fusheng was already pouting next to him, looking impatient.

Zhou Fucang released Luo Xiaoman and stared at Zhou Fusheng. "Hey, why don't you change this monkey's anxious character?"

"Hey, why should I change?" Zhou Fusheng smiled and quickly hugged Luo Xiaoman. "If it's changed, our little ancestor won't recognize it, but how can it be done?"

"Wait!" Luo Xiaoman quickly avoided Zhou Fusheng's bear hug, looking at them both with a look of surprise. "I'll stroke it first, you are the eldest brother, and the second brother?"

"Yeah!" Zhou Fusheng nodded heavily, then pursed his mouth, crying and said: "Little Man, I want to die! Come and hug your second brother!"

Luo Xiaoman twitched the corners of his mouth, dark in his heart, yes! This is definitely her second brother, in this world, Luo Qinghen is so persistent to hug her!

"Xiaoman, I'm sorry, I didn't make a shot in time just now." Zhou Fucang pulled Zhou Fusheng away and apologized to Luo Xiaoman: "In fact, we just woke up and we are very strange to everything around us. Choose to ignore."

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