
Fang Zhong's pupils shrank, and he looked at Zhu Yan in shock, "Second prince, this...don't do it!"

"Oh, I have come to this point, what else can't you do?" Zhu Yan shook his head with a wry smile. He thought he was very smart, but he didn't expect that today was arranged by a woman.

From the moment he and Zitong began to cooperate, he embarked on a path of no return.

His dead man had already been misappropriated one-third and sent to the opponent's camp.

He also knew that these dead men would be transformed into terrifying corpses to command other corpses.

He still knew about the corpse demon.

This is a very aggressive monster that has no autonomous consciousness and relies on instinctive actions.

However, the corpse demons that Ye Xuan and the others had transformed had subverted their own perceptions.

After his dead man was transformed, he was able to maintain a certain level of consciousness, and he could issue various instructions to other corpse demons, and he could also march into formations.

If the army of corpses takes shape, it will be a powerful army that will scare other countries!

"Second prince, if you really want to kill your father, it's okay to be successful. But if you miss, you will have nothing." Fang Zhong said solemnly.

"I understand." Zhu Yan sighed and said, "However, that woman has already arranged it and the probability of success is high."

He turned around and looked at Fang Zhong deeply. "Mr. Fang, you should be very clear about the current situation of this prince. Since the last thing happened, the moment my father abolished me, this throne cannot be mine."

"Recently, Zhu Ying has performed outstandingly on the frontier side, and his father, the emperor, Long Yan, is happy, I am afraid that this throne may be passed to him.

Fang Zhong sighed and understood Zhu Yan's embarrassment.

"This prince is obviously his best child, why did the father pass on the position of the prince to the prince? The funny thing is that the prince doesn't want to be the prince." Zhu Yan sneered, and there was a sense of unrest in his words. "It's all like this, he didn't even want to pass it to me, he still had to make a choice between the emperor's brother and me."

"Isn't it obvious? Only me is the most qualified to be a prince!"

Having said this, Zhu Yan's eyes flashed with resentment, "Since he is so stupid, don't blame me for being cruel!"

"What you can't get, Zhu Yan, I will grab it back by myself!"

Looking at the crazy Zhu Yan, Fang Zhong felt a little helpless. He used to be so energetic and unhurried, everything is under control.

Today, he is controlled by a woman and has to become a madman who kills his father.

However, judging from the current situation, he would either kill his father or be the second prince of waste in the eyes of others forever.

"Second prince, don't worry." Fang Zhong sighed and said firmly: "No matter what choice you make, I will follow you to the death!"

Zhu Yan glanced at Fang Zhong and smiled faintly, "Thank you, Mr. Fang."

Dragon veins are the treasures of the nation, the magic weapon passed down by the founding monarchs, and they possess great power.

It can be said that controlling the dragon veins is equivalent to controlling Zhu Yanguo.

The meaning of Zitong is very simple. Let Zhu Yan inherit the throne, and Ye Xuan will control the strongest evil thoughts. Together, they will create the strongest country in the entire Central Plains and sweep the other five countries.

If this plan is successful, Zhu Yan will ban the Jiang family and become the second emperor to unify the Central Plains in history!

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