The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 836: The despised Ouyang family!


At this moment, a burst of anger blew up, attracting everyone's attention.

They saw a beast with flames all over, rushing in frantically.

The flame monsters were coming fiercely, and the surrounding corpses couldn't stop him at all.

The scorching flame, as long as it touches these corpses, it will instantly turn them into coke.

"This is... Zhiwu's guardian spirit beast, Tujia?!" Ye Canglan's pupils shrank, and he recognized the flame beast, and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Hey!" At this moment, another scream blew up, and countless Liu Sufei shots over, entangled and strangled these corpse demons, and tore a path alive.

"This is Mu Yu's guardian spirit beast, Chiba!!" Seeing this monster, Chen Tingsheng couldn't help feeling happy. It seems that Sheng Academy is about to take action.

He couldn't help but look at the city gate, and saw a group of people wearing white robes strongly supporting him.

"It's from the Saint Academy!!" Cheng Feng's eyes lit up and he shouted in surprise, "The Saint Academy came to support us!"

However, his mind became heavy again.

Originally, Sheng Academy wanted to save it until the most critical moment, but in the current situation, it is no longer possible to wait for that moment.

After all, if the Holy Academy doesn't take action again, the corpse demon army is afraid to completely swallow the city guard army and the four major families! !

"Father, I'll help you!!" Chen Muyu held a long whip tightly and flew towards the Chen family.

Under the cover of the red horns and the waving of the long whip, the surrounding corpses were completely inaccessible.

"Mu Yu, you are here at the right time!!" Chen Tingsheng said cheerfully with his eyes burning, "Our Chen family, we can't lose to other families!"

"Sister, our siblings can finally fight side by side!" Chen Mufeng said with a faint smile: "I believe we can kill these corpses without leaving a piece of armor!"

Boom! !

At this moment, a lightning flashed, and instantly turned into countless tiny lightnings, smashing toward the numerous corpse demons.

These thunders were so powerful that they smashed all these corpses into coke.

"Xiao Qiqi, you go to support Ye Patriarch!!"

"Okay!!" Luo Qi nodded to Chen Muyu, and then said in a deep voice: "Turtle Tortoise, let's go to support Ye Patriarch!!!"

Suddenly, a huge figure appeared and stood in front of Luo Qi.

Luo Qi jumped up, Xuangui roared, and stepped on a heavy step, rushing towards Ye Canglan.

The mammoths gathered around, trying to stop the spinner, but they were hit by the spinner.


Tortoise is an advanced monster, known for its defensive power, how can a few mammoths be able to resist it!

"Patriarch Hu Yan, we are here to help you too!!" At this time, Bai Hang, Huang Lin, and Lianhua formed a small team and rushed towards Hu Yanling.

Hu Yanling raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his lips raised slightly. Now that they have the support of the Holy Academy, their strength will be greatly increased. They believe that they can enter the core of the corpse demon army and pull out the corpse demon who issued orders.

However, Ouyang's family was alone in the audience and no one supported him.

Because these students are Luo Xiaoman's students, naturally they will not support this family that was not friendly to Xiaoman's instructor.

The faces of Ouyang Hao and his son Ouyang Fanghua were very ugly, and the anger in their hearts was surging, but they could not come out.

Who let them provoke the little devil before?

"Patriarch Ouyang, we are here to help you!" At this time, it was the instructor of the Holy Academy who came to support, perhaps seeing them pitifully, and came to support.

Ouyang Hao's mentality was slightly balanced when he saw the instructor from Sheng Academy came to support him.

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