"If I'm not mistaken..." Hu Yan Ruofeng's eyes dazzled, and he raised his hand and pointed, "He should be the demon master who has recently returned!"


A tyrannical aura surged from his body and crushed towards Mo Yuan.

"Grandpa Dean!!" Luo Xiaoman's eyes sank, and an aura burst out, blocking Hu Yanruofeng's aura, and yelled: "With me, you can't even move him."

"Xiaoman, you have to think clearly." Hu Yanruofeng squinted his eyes, with awe-inspiring aura, and said: "If you want to protect him, you are tantamount to being an enemy of the whole right way."

"So what?" Luo Xiaoman curled his lips, in a cold tone, and said: "Compared with the hypocrisy of the right way, I prefer the evil spirit to do whatever he wants, dare to love and hate."

"What's more, it was decided from the moment I was born, to destroy this right way!"

"..." Hu Yan Ruofeng stared at Luo Xiaoman deeply, trying to find a trace of hesitation on her face.


Luo Xiaoman did not hesitate on his face.

He seemed to be able to feel Luo Xiaoman's deep resentment towards Zheng Dao.

Huh huh!

At this moment, several elders and mentors all rushed over and surrounded Mo Yuan and Luo Xiaoman.

"what happened?"

Seeing this battle, the students of the Holy Academy were all confused.

They had just been rescued by Master Mo Yuan, but in the end the dean led the crowd to surround Master Mo Yuan, even trying to kill him?

"Is Mo Yuan a member of the evil spirit, or the devil?" Ouyang Hao's eyes lit up, and the corners of his lips were curled, and he quickly stood by Hu Yan Ruofeng. "Luo Xiaoman, even though you saved us, who knows if there is another attempt? In short, there is no balance between good and evil. Today, you are throwing yourself into the net."

"Ouyang Hao, you villain!!" Ye Canglan's figure moved, standing on Luo Xiaoman's side, and said in a deep voice: "You want to take the opportunity to retaliate against Xiaoman, right?"

"Patriarch Ye, it seems that you are going to fall too! Tell you, Ouyang Hao, I am not a villain, but a defender." Ouyang Hao squinted his eyes and said coldly: "We all know that the evil spirit, Everyone gets punishable. Whoever wants to defend them is my righteous enemy."

Everyone looked at each other, and the situation was getting worse and worse. They were still fighting the corpse demon together just now, but the corpse demon was resolved, but they were on the bar again!

"Devil Lord!!" At this time, the evil spirit's people had cleaned up all the corpses and hurried over.

Seeing the posture of Hu Yan Ruofeng and his party, the evil master, Zhong Li was angry, "Who dares to be disrespectful to the devil, kill without mercy!"

"All retreat!" Mo Yuan yelled coldly, and the evil spirit's people were taken aback and stopped.

"The Devil..."

"Zhong Li, there is nothing wrong with you here, just give me back."

"Don't leave!" Ouyang Hao's gaze fell on the evil spirit, and said coldly: "Today, you all have to stay here."

However, the demons didn't bother to look at him, and led them to retreat.

"you guys……"


Chen Tingsheng, who was next to him, rolled his eyes to him and said mockingly: "You don't know the situation clearly? Given the number of demons and the strength, how do you think we, who have just gone through the war, should keep people behind?"

"You have to pretend to be forceful, pretend by yourself, don't pull us into the water!" Chen Tingsheng is not stupid, he can see the current situation clearly.

Now the attitudes of both sides are unclear, it is impossible for him to stand easily!

At this point, he wondered how Ouyang Hao got into the position of Patriarch?

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