"Elder Ji, it seems that you have also entered the evil way." Ouyang Hao squinted his eyes and sneered: "If this is the case, then don't blame us for being rude!"

"Hahaha!" Suddenly, Hu Yan Ruofeng laughed and said lightly: "It's alright, don't stare at you. The old man just made a joke with Xiaoman."


Everyone is dumbfounded!

They were caught off guard by Hu Yan Ruofeng's flip.

They were all struggling to stand in line, but you suddenly said, kidding?

Is there a mistake? Fun heartbeat!

"Xiaoman, have you decided?" Hu Yan Ruofeng sighed and stared at Luo Xiaoman.

Luo Xiaoman smiled loudly, nodded, and said: "This is my fate that I can't avoid."

"Okay!" Hu Yanruofeng breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes drenched, and said loudly: "From now on, my Saint Academy will draw a clear line with Qingcang!!"

"President!!" Tong Ming opened his eyes wide and looked at Hu Yan Ruofeng in disbelief, "Are you crazy? To draw a clear line with Qingcang, isn't it an enemy? Our Sheng Academy can not bear it. Live Qingcang's anger."

"Heh, Tong Ming, don't you understand?" Hu Yanruofeng squinted at him and said faintly: "Since Qing Cang took over the three secret realms from us, they have already had the idea to deal with us."

"Do you think they will tolerate that in addition to them, anyone else knows the secrets of the three secret realms?"

"They just haven't found a suitable excuse now."

"How could this be?" Tong Ming looked blank. He never expected that Sheng Academy would stand on two opposite sides with Qing Cang.

"The most inexcusable thing is that, as the Supreme Being of Righteous Path, Supreme Immortal Venerable actually put such a curse on our Xiaoman, which is a waste of our faith in him." Hu Yanruofeng squinted his eyes and said angrily: "Xiaoman So cute, so likable, how can he be willing to be such a bad hand?"

At this moment, everyone is in a state of perplexity.

They were all dumbfounded by Hu Yan Ruofeng's words, especially Ouyang Hao, who originally thought he could use the hands of Sheng Academy to deal with Luo Xiaoman.

As a result, he was sold by Hu Yan Ruofeng and became a clown himself.

"Dean..." Luo Xiaoman blinked his eyes and looked at Hu Yan Ruofeng.

"Xiaoman, don't be grateful..."

"I knew it!" Luo Xiaoman grinned suddenly, and said slyly: "You were actually acting just now! Why, did I cooperate well?"

Hu Yanruofeng twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at her in amazement. "How did you see it?"

"Because the look in my eyes betrayed you." Luo Xiaoman spread out his hands and said helplessly: "Although it is a bit stinky to say that, I still want to say that if parents are so cute, how can you bear to do something ?"

"You little guy!" Hu Yan Ruofeng shook his head with a wry smile, but Luo Xiaoman was right, he was indeed acting just now.

It is a pity that every time he looks at Luo Xiaoman, a trace of pampering will naturally appear in his eyes.

Although this trace of petting is not visible, it still can't escape the eyes of this cunning little guy and has become the most critical flaw.

Seeing what Hu Yan Ruofeng said, the students who were nervous to death were relieved.

They thought the Dean and Teacher Xiaoman were really going to fight.

When the time comes, they don't know who to help?

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