The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 899: Is it a mentor and an elder again? Or **** sister?

"Huang Lin, this is your Royal Highness, don't talk nonsense." She reminded in a low voice.

"You idiot, do you look down on our little master?" Just after Chen Muyu finished speaking, the Chi Chi on Luo Xiaoman's shoulders was very stunned, "Believe it or not, sister let our family kill you. !"

"Wow!" Dabai yelled cooperatively, and grinned at Zhu Changsheng.

Bird, did the bird speak? !

Zhu Changsheng opened his mouth wide, petrified instantly!

Seeing this, Zhu Ying looked embarrassed.

He felt that he had to come out to make the rounds, otherwise if Chi Chi got up, he would probably make his brother doubt his life.

"You look very handsome, why are your brains so dumb? Did you knock your head on the ground just now and get into the sand? Or you didn't have your brain when you went out?"

"You, do you say it again?!" Zhu Changsheng was angry. It was the first time that he was attacked like this, and it was still a...bird!

"Hahaha!" Zhu Ying called haha, and quickly walked out and grabbed Zhu Changsheng. "Brother Emperor, let's go back to the military camp and discuss things about the fairy cave."

"Hey, don't go! Sister hasn't finished talking yet! What else is the prince, are you polite?" Chi Chi refused to give up.

"Chi Chi!"

At this time, Luo Xiaoman grabbed Chi Chi and smoothed her hair, and immediately made this guy close his mouth and even his eyes, enjoying the comfort of being slapped.



Back to the barracks.

Under Zhu Ying's various explanations, Zhu Changsheng slightly accepted the facts before him.

It's just that whenever he saw Luo Xiaoman eating candied haws, he couldn't help but complain, where is a person who is a teacher, a master, and an elder?

This is simply a big joke!

"Oh, I forgot one thing." At this moment, Bai Hang patted his head and exclaimed: "I forgot to tell the third prince, now the teacher Xiaoman is still the emperor's goddaughter!"

This time not only Zhu Changsheng, but Zhu Ying is petrified!

what's the situation?

How long did he go to the frontier? Why did Xiao Shizu become father's goddaughter again?

If so, how should their relationship be counted? This is the little master, and there is the **** sister?


He is going crazy!

"The third prince, the prince, so that the teacher Xiaoman is still your god-sister." Bai Hang said with a smirk: "Should you not come here to recognize each other?"

"This, this..." Zhu Ying was a little at a loss.

"Don't worry about this." Luo Xiaoman sighed, and said helplessly: "Anyway, each of them is not related to each other."

To clarify the relationship here, she couldn't figure out how to deal with it, she simply gave it to each other, and called whatever she should be called, saving trouble.

"The barracks ahead." Zhu Changsheng looked dumb, as if he hadn't heard anything just now.

Since they are the reinforcements the emperor's brother has found, let's speak out with strength.

If they don't have the strength, they are purely here to join in the fun, no matter who you are, all have to go.

"His Royal Highness is back!!" At this moment, Battalion Commander Lu on the other side of the barracks couldn't help shouting when he saw Zhu Changsheng.

Suddenly, the whole military camp cheered and came to greet them.

"Welcome your Royal Highness, the third prince!!" Many soldiers saluted respectfully.

"Soldiers, don't need to be polite." Zhu Changtian raised his hand and said lightly: "How is everything in the barracks during this time when the prince is away?"

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