The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 901: Can you measure her wisdom?

Bai Hang gnawed his horse's legs angrily while spitting out, but it caused a wave of contempt from the soldiers around him.

"Why did you say that the third prince found such a group of people?" A soldier frowned, and muttered in a low voice, "It's Lolita again, and it's a little kid, all of them are like a joke. Where is the elite? ."

"That's right! Look at that little loli, who lays on the boy in black every day, just like not sleeping well, I don't know if there is something wrong with it?"

"Hey, don't say anything, be careful to be heard by our third princes, and punish you to clean up the horse dung! They are the people the third princes have found."

All the comments of these soldiers fell into Luo Xiaoman's ears.

However, she didn't care at all, the whole person fell into Mo Yuan's arms, like a lazy little cat.

Seeing her look tired, Mo Yuan frowned slightly, and said distressedly, "Little Man, how long will it take?"

"Alright." Luo Xiaoman closed his eyes and said lazily: "It should be fine in a while."

Mo Yuan nodded, raised his hand to care about Li Luo Xiaoman's clothes, and adjusted his sitting posture to make her sleep as comfortable as possible.

"By the way, Brother Mouse, where did Little Swallow go?" At this time, Bai Hang's mouth was filled with meat, and he mumbled: "I want to eat melon seeds."

"When you say that, it seems that I haven't seen the two of them since just now." Huang Lin blinked and glanced around. There were indeed no figures of Lin Sanxing and Ling Yan.

Chen Muyu raised his eyes and glanced at Luo Xiaoman, knowing in his heart that it must be Xiaoman's instructor who is making arrangements in secret.

Maybe she is so tired, it is also related to this!

At this time, intense discussions were underway in the coach's camp.

"His Royal Highness, did you gain anything from spying on each other's reality this time?" Chief Lu Ying asked solemnly.

Zhu Changsheng nodded, and said in a deep voice: "This time we spied and found a very important clue, that is, the enchantment and evil spirits are not derived from the fairy cave. I suspect that a third party has intervened to bring the fairy Lingdong Mansion is closed."

"The third party?" Chief Lu Ying frowned, and said with a look of suspicion: "Who would it be? You can arrange such a powerful barrier and summon so many evil spirits."

"The other party did it very secretly, we don't know for the time being."

"It's Xuanzong!"

At this moment, Luo Qi blinked and said weakly: "It's the barrier arranged by Xuanzong and the summoned evil monster."

"What? Xuanzong?" Many soldiers looked at Luo Qi in astonishment. "Are you sure you are joking?"

Luo Qi nodded heavily, and said solemnly: "There must be nothing wrong with what Teacher Xiaoman said!"

Teacher Xiaoman?

Zhu Changsheng squinted his eyes and said coldly: "Brother Luo, we are talking about business now, not a joke. I know your relationship is very good, but this can't be your reason to speak for her."

"It's true!" At this moment, Zhu Ying walked in from outside and said in a deep voice, "The third party force is indeed Xuanzong!"

"The third prince, Xuanzong is a decent and upright person, and it is impossible to summon evil spirits." Captain Lu said with a serious face: "Are you also misled by that little loli?"

"Huh, Captain Lu, although Xiao Shizu's appearance is not very convincing, her wisdom is not something you can measure as a battalion commander." Zhu Ying stared at the battalion commander Lu coldly.

"The third prince, you..."

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