"Okay, you guys will also stop for a while." Luo Xiaoman said lightly: "Now everyone puts on the invisibility talisman and follow me."


Soon, everyone put on the invisibility talisman, and followed Luo Xiaoman to touch it with anxiety.

At the beginning, they were very nervous, worried that this invisibility charm would not work.

They couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw the evil spirits flying past them, but never noticed them.

"Xiao Qiqi, your invisibility charm is amazing!" Bai Hang raised his eyebrows and looked at Luo Qi with an ambiguous expression. "Is it true that no one else can see us except evil?"

Luo Qi shuddered, and suddenly remembered that Bai Hang not only likes to watch the little sister, but also likes to watch the little brother. Wouldn't this guy want to do some bad things with the invisibility charm?

"This invisibility talisman will also deceive the evil. If you dare to put on the invisibility talisman and run naked on the street, I have no objection. Of course, the city guard will definitely catch you as a pervert."

"Huh?" Bai Hang pursed his lips and said with a gloomy expression: "This is a pity!"

"Damn!" Huang Lin couldn't stand it anymore, and cursed: "Bai Hang, are you sick or not, what's in your mind?"

"Huang Lin, I don't say anything, you just made up so much of your brain, who is more disgusting?" Bai Hang frowned, and said angrily: "Also, you can rest a hundred hearts. Just you I still look down on the looks of him, at least as senior Zhiwu."

Zhi Wu shivered with a dazed expression!

what's the situation?

He didn't say a word, why did he lie down with the gun!

Suddenly, he felt Bai Hang's hot gaze swept over, and then quickly hid behind Mo Yuan. This guy was too dangerous, so stay away from him.

Of course, Mo Yuan's beauty is definitely the sight of Bai Hang.

However, he didn't have the courage to blaspheme her Yuan in front of Teacher Xiaoman.

Otherwise, Teacher Xiaoman must be a big hammer!


At this moment, Luo Xiaoman opened his eyes and said lazily: "We are here on standby and waiting for the opportunity to take action."

"Luo Xiaoman, you just let us come, just wait?" Zhu Changsheng was dissatisfied, "This is your layout? Waiting for others to take the initiative to kill?"

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, you will understand when you look at it." Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips and said meaningfully.

Suddenly, everyone crouched on one side and looked forward.

I saw evil spirits in front of him, and an enchantment blocked the view inside.

Zhu Changsheng knew that inside this enchantment was the entrance to the fairy cave.


At this time, a team of dozens of people came over, but ignoring evil spirits, approaching the enchantment grandly.

"It's Chen Ming, and there are other Xuanzong disciples?!" Zhi Wu couldn't help exclaiming when he saw this team, "Teacher Xiaoman, it turns out that you let them be ghosts!"

"In addition to Xuanzong's disciple, there are Brother Mouse, and Xiao Yanzi." Huang Lin also exclaimed, seeing that Lin Sansheng and Ling Yan were both **** and seemed to act as hostages.

Seeing this, everyone's eyes brightened, and they were deeply impressed by Luo Xiaoman.

This is for Chen Ming and many Xuanzong disciples to sneak into the opponent's camp using Lin Sansheng and Ling Yan as a breakthrough point.

"Really Xuanzong?!" Seeing this, Zhu Changsheng's heart was shocked and his face was blank.

He never expected that Xuanzong, one of the decent sects, would manipulate evil spirits and kill his soldiers.

Is this what the decent people will do?

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