The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 910: crucial moment? ! you…

"Yes! I just said that as long as the elder is there, I will never hide it!" Chen Ming nodded and said calmly.

Seeing his reaction, Deacon Mu was a little surprised.

At first, he thought Chen Ming was just using a cracking method to trick them into opening the barrier, but he calmly agreed.

Does he really know how to crack it?

"Teacher Xiaoman, this..." Zhi Wu frowned and looked at Luo Xiaoman suspiciously, "Do you really want Chen Ming to tell them how to crack it?"

"Why not?" Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips and said indifferently.

Suddenly, everyone was dumbfounded!

They came mainly to enter the fairy cave and seize the opportunity. If the other party has mastered the cracking method, wouldn't it be vain to let the other party seize the opportunity?

"Wait!" At this moment, Zhu Changsheng frowned and looked at Luo Xiaoman with a puzzled look, "I'll take a look first!"

"You know the method of cracking. Now in order to gain the trust of the other party, you have to tell the method of cracking, right?"

"Hmm." Luo Xiaoman nodded.

"Asshole!" Zhu Changsheng widened his eyes and stared at Luo Xiaoman angrily, "I don't care whether you know it or fake it, you can't tell them how to crack it!"

"In order to control the Immortal Cave Mansion, we sacrificed a lot of people. If they were snatched by the other party, all this would be wasted."

"What does it have to do with you?"

Luo Xiaoman's understatement instantly made Zhu Changsheng dumbfounded.

Yes indeed!

People know how to crack and tell who is freedom, what does it have to do with you?


Without waiting for Zhu Changsheng to react, Chen Ming had already explained the solution.

"The puppet formation is a formation that is connected by a strand of pure aura." Chen Ming said with confidence and slowly: "As long as this strand of spiritual aura continues, the puppets in the formation can continue to regroup."

"You're right." Elder Jin nodded, and said solemnly: "The puppet keeps reorganizing and never rests. This is the biggest difficulty in breaking the formation."

"Therefore, we can use living people as sacrifices to pollute this pure aura, thus cutting off the source of the puppet reorganization." Chen Ming said solemnly.

Old Jin’s eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "That's it! It seems that we went in the wrong direction at the beginning. We have been anxious to break the formation from the overall situation, but ignore that the key to breaking the formation is the puppet itself."

"Yes!" Chen Ming smiled slightly and said: "The puppet is the key to breaking the formation. Therefore, we specially captured two prisoners as sacrifices for this sacrifice."

Elder Jin raised his eyebrows, glanced at Lin Sanshen and Ling Yan, nodded in satisfaction, and exclaimed: "Chen Ming, you have done a good job! If you succeed in breaking the battle this time, you will be the top contributor!"

"Thank you Elder Jin for your approval!"

"Elder Jin, are you sure you want to listen to the method of breaking the formation that Chen Ming said?" Deacon Mu frowned, always feeling suspicious in his heart, and said worriedly.

"Deacon Mu, there is nothing wrong with the method of breaking the formation that Chen Ming said." Elder Jin shook his head and said lightly: "If Chen Ming betrayed the sect, it would be impossible to tell us the method of breaking the formation, would it? ?"

"That's what it says..."

"Okay, I have decided to open the barrier and let Chen Ming and the others come in!"

"Yes!" Deacon Mu frowned. Since Elder Jin said so, then he couldn't say much.

The barrier, slowly opened...

"Deacon Mu, they are traitors, don't let them in!!" At this moment, a shout came, and a figure quickly flew over.

"Liu Yang?" Seeing the incoming person, Deacon Wood's pupils shrank and exclaimed.

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