"Elder Hua, Elder Yang, Chen Ming, Xiuyu, and other Xuanzong disciples who have betrayed the sect. Now they have to pay for their stupid behavior." Elder Jin stood with his hand holding his hand and said indifferently: "They will become Sacrifice to crack the puppet formation!"

"Elder Jin, do you have a way to crack it?" Elder Hua's eyes lit up and asked in surprise.

Unexpectedly, what he cared about the first time was not the disciple's betrayal of the sect, but the method of breaking the formation.

"Not bad!" Elder Jin nodded, and then said the cracking method that Chen Ming told him, and the eyes of the two elders were suddenly brightened, revealing the color of surprise.

"Elder Jin, it seems that heaven has helped us Xuanzong." Elder Hua said with a smile while resisting the excitement in his heart: "We have been comprehending for so long, but we have ignored this ray of spiritual energy. Just pollute this ray of spiritual energy. , Becoming impure, it also broke the layout of the puppet formation."

"Haha, without further ado, let's start arranging the formation now." Elder Yang couldn't wait to say.

"Three elders, I don't think it's right!" Deacon Mu stood up and said solemnly: "Anyway, Chen Ming and the others are my Xuanzong's disciples. They betrayed because they were controlled by the traitor. To, involuntarily, maybe..."

"Deacon Mu, don't be too benevolent." Elder Jin said with a calm face, "Those who make big things don't stick to the trivial. Now is the critical moment, even if we have a way to get Chen Ming and the others to recover, it is too Time wasted."

"Don't forget, there are two armies of Zhu Yanguo and Hongnanguo staring at them. Once we move a little bit, it is estimated that they will jointly kill.

"Deacon Mu, you want to open a little bit." Elder Hua also stood up and comforted: "Chen Ming, Xiuyu, even if they died, they died properly. I believe they know that they are dedicated to the sect, they will be very happy."

"What's more..." He squinted at Lin Sansheng and Ling Yan, and said indifferently: "Just relying on their two captives as sacrifices, there is no guarantee that you can break the puppet formation."

"Wow, you are too disgusting?" Lin Sanxing scolded, "Is he still decent even if he is so cruel?"

"Little Miss is right! You can't even compare to the evil spirit!" Ling Yan gritted her teeth.

The conversations between the elders just now refreshed her three views. It was unexpected that Xuanzong, one of the top ten sects, could do such a frantic thing in order to achieve his goal.

"Huh, how dare you compare my evil spirit with my Xuanzong?" Elder Jin squinted his eyes and said contemptuously: "They are just a group of rats screaming and killing!"

"They are mice, then you are cockroaches!" Ling Yan said angrily.

Lin Sanxing was startled and looked at her blankly, "Little Swallow, why is it a cockroach?"

"I hate cockroaches the most!"


Dare to love that she compares Xuanzong to Xuanzong on the basis of her hatred of small animals!

"I don't know what to say!" Elder Jin snorted coldly, then waved his hand to faint Lin Sanxing and Ling Yan. "Deacon Mu, can you understand it now?"

"Understood!" Deacon Mu nodded. It seems that no matter how he persuades, Chen Ming and Xiuyu will not escape death.

"Elders, and deacons, I deserve to die!" Liu Yang plopped, knelt down, and said with a look of shame: "I failed to protect the juniors and juniors and made them sacrifice. The sin is really unforgivable. what."

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