The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 921: Fairy Cave Mansion, open! Everyone is crazy!

Seeing this, Luo Xiaoman's eyes were slightly drenched, and he immediately yelled, "Chi Chi, stop that old man!"

"Hey!!" Chi Chi raised up to the sky and screamed, returning to his original shape, becoming a big bird full of flames.

When everyone saw this big flame bird suddenly appearing, they couldn't help but trembled, showing a look of consternation.

Not only that, but the surrounding evil spirits did not dare to approach and fled.

This is Chi Sha!

The red evil flame, destroying the heavens and the earth, is the nemesis of all evil, a little closer, it will be transformed into nothingness!

"Old man, look here!!" Chi Chi yelled, his voice was loud, and everyone around him looked confused.

They can't seem to believe that this big red bird can speak human words?

Elder Yang turned his head subconsciously and saw Chi Chi dive and fly over.

"What the hell?!" He was so frightened that he rushed towards the entrance even more lifelessly.

However, Chi Chi's speed was so fast that he rushed up in an instant, and a hot flame swept past.

"Ah!!!" Elder Yang was too late to react, and he was surrounded by these flames and let out a painful roar.

He kept struggling and tried to extinguish these flames, but these flames burned more and more vigorously, and there was no extinguishing rhythm at all.

"Little Miss, we are here!!" At this time, Lin Sanxing hugged Ling Yan and came to the entrance.

Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up, and then he took out the Star Swirl jade pendant.


A dazzling light shone from the Star Swirl jade pendant with her sweet drink, so that everyone couldn't help closing their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, she broke into the puppet formation as if into a no one.

These terrible puppets, as if welcoming their masters, crawled down one after another.

At the same time, Mo Yuan's figure quickly followed and sat behind Luo Xiaoman.

"Yuan, did you kill them?"


Mo Yuan shook his head and said softly.

Although he didn't understand why Xiaoman didn't kill all these Xuanzongs, he believed that there must be her consideration.


As Luo Xiaoman and the others approached, the originally closed entrance slowly opened.

"Xian, Xianling Dongfu, it's open!" A person noticed the situation in Xianling Dongfu and couldn't help exclaiming.

Seeing this, everyone's eyes lit up and their hearts became excited. Now that the entrance of the Fairy Cave Mansion is open, does it mean that you can also enter it and look for opportunities?

"Xuanzong's order, no matter what the cost, rush over!!" Elder Jin roared, then rushed to the entrance first.

For a while, the people who survived Xuanzong left their opponents one after another and ran towards the fairy cave mansion!

They have worked hard for so long and waited for so long, absolutely can't let Immortal Cave Mansion become someone else's thing, even if they pay more, they have to rush in.

Sa! !

Chi Chi turned around, flapped his wings, and the flame exploded, pushing away those who dared to approach.

At the same time, Yan Prison in Mo Yuan's hand flashed, and red lights gleamed, flying towards these rushing people.

For a while, everyone was forced back by these flames and red light.

However, they couldn't help their heart's longing for the fairy cave, and they rushed up desperately.

"Xiao Qiqi, Bai Hang, Huang Lin, let's pave the way for Xiaoman's tutor together!!" Zhi Wu shouted, and quickly summoned the unearthed worm, and rushed towards the people of Xuanzong.

Not only that, Zhu Changsheng and his army also reacted and rushed towards the fairy cave.

However, their purpose is not to stop Xuanzong, but to get in and get a share.

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