The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 932: Who is the biggest beneficiary!

Yan Fanglin was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes became cold, and with a snap, he put down the teacup, and said in a bad tone, "Who are you?"

"Xiao Qiqi called me a mentor." Luo Xiaoman looked at Yan Fanglin calmly with a pair of unconscious eyes, without fear that the other party would suddenly do something to him.

"Tutor?" Yan Fanglin frowned. Seeing Luo Xiaoman's young appearance, how could he be Luo Qi's mentor? This guy must be talking nonsense.

"Huh, you want to know the reason for this, then I'll tell you." Yan Fanglin took a sip of tea and said in a deep voice, "Anyway, I'm still idle here."

Luo Xiaoman took out a candied haws and handed it over, "Come on, drinking tea is so boring, try my treasured Qinhuai city signature candied haws."

Yan Fanglin frowned, did not refuse, and took Luo Xiaoman's candied haws.

It's just that, instead of eating, he was playing with it in his hand, his eyes dimmed. "Actually, Yan Qi is the illegitimate son of my Yan Family Patriarch."

"At the beginning, the Patriarch took them back with their mother and son, and wanted to give them a stable life. If they could be steadfast and not be demon, then this life would be the same."

"But..." Yan Fanglin's eyes became cold, and his hand holding the teacup tightened slightly. "In order to seize the position of the eldest son, they not only prescribed medicine to the sister-in-law, but also secretly bought a murderer to assassinate Ming'er. If it wasn't their plan After being seen through, it is estimated that the sister-in-law has been banned, and Minger."

"For the crimes they committed, they deserved to die. It's just that the Patriarch saw that blood is thicker than water, and he just expelled them from the Yan family."

"What I never expected was that Yan Qi would become a student of the Holy Academy, and participated in the Four-Academy Competition, and also killed Minger!!"

Having said that, Yan Fanglin raised his eyes to look at Luo Xiaoman, and said in a deep voice, "You said, should he die?"

Luo Xiaoman pondered for a while, with a clear vein in his heart, he took out a lollipop in his hand, held it in his mouth, and said faintly: "Do you think Xiao Qiqi is smart?"

"Heh, I have to say that Yan Qi is a genius, even better than Ming'er. After all, he mastered the Thundering Curse earlier than Yan Ming!"

"Then what do you think is the probability of success if Yan Qi is going to secretly calculate Yan Ming and his mother?"

"What do you mean?" Yan Fanglin was startled slightly, feeling that Luo Xiaoman had something in his words.

"Also, who is the biggest beneficiary in this controversy over the son?"


"The last one, don't forget, Yan Qi is the youngest generation of your Yan family, the best aptitude, and even the son Yan Ming can't compare to a genius."

Yan Fanglin's pupils shrank, and he seemed to understand what Luo Xiaoman meant.

He frowned and fell into deep thought.

Seeing this, Luo Xiaoman also knew that this Yan Fanglin was not an idiot. Calm down, abandon the hatred, and think carefully about the minutiae, and he will definitely discover many doubts.

"Little Miss!" Just then, Lin Sanxing's voice came over.

"Anything?" Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up and he walked over quickly.

At this moment, Lin Sanxing frowned, staring solemnly at a pattern in front of him. "Little lady, this pattern... I seem to have seen it before."


"It seems to be a pattern in the "Nine Deadly Life" exercises."

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