The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 967: Elder Hua who was picked out!

"Xiaoyu, are you sure they are all dead?" Luo Xiaoman frowned his cute brows and asked solemnly.

"Yeah." Chen Muyu nodded and said affirmatively: "They all collapsed on their own. The situation was so sudden, I couldn't stop them."

Luo Xiaoman thought for a moment, and then said: "Let's go to the scene to take a look."

Soon, Luo Xiaoman and his party came to the camp where Deacon Wood was detained, and saw these deacons fall to the ground, each with wide-open eyes, but there was a strange smile on the corners of their lips.

"I'm careless." Luo Xiaoman sighed and said helplessly: "Unexpectedly, they Xuanzong was so ruthless. In order to preserve their reputation, they chose to commit suicide!"

"Little Man, they can't suddenly choose to commit suicide." Mo Yuan walked over and checked Deacon Mu and their bodies, frowning, "It should be someone who gave them an instruction before they chose to commit suicide."

In his judgment, if Deacon Mu had the idea of ​​self-determination from the beginning, it would be impossible for him to be detected by Xiaoman.

"Yuan, you are right!" Luo Xiaoman agreed with Mo Yuan's statement, then squinted his eyes slightly and said in a low voice, "This person should be Elder Hua who gave instructions."

"Hmph, I don't believe he has come in, and he can go out!"

"Little Master!!" At this moment, Chi Chi's voice came over, "I found a suspicious person ahead!"

"Yuan, let's go!" Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up and he was about to run.

Immediately, Mo Yuan hugged her and flew out quickly.

Seeing this scene, Chen Muyu couldn't help blinking, wondering in his heart, Master Mo Yuan seemed to like holding Xiaoman's mentor very much recently.

It seems to be full of pampering!

However, she didn't think much, and quickly followed.


Mo Yuan hugged Luo Xiaobian as he approached, and he surged over.

"Elder Hua, you can't escape." I saw Zhu Changsheng staring at Elder Hua with a solemn expression in front. "I have sealed the entire barracks. There are two guardian spirit beasts of Elder Xiaoman sitting on the scene, you It’s hard to fly with wings."

"Humph!" Elder Hua snorted coldly without saying much, and sternly killed Zhu Changsheng.

Zhu Changsheng's pupils shrank, and quickly moved back.

His strength is weaker than Elder Hua, and he is not an opponent at all.

At this time, Dabai and Chi Chi followed and fought with Elder Hua.

Although Elder Hua's strength was on the third floor of the Yuan Ying Period, compared with Da Bai and Chi Chi, it was more than a bit worse.

Within three rounds, he was defeated and Dabai was pressed to the ground with a paw.

Elder Hua was shocked by the strength of Da Bai and Chi Chi.

His mind is dignified, and generally speaking, the strength of the guardian spirit beast increases as the master's strength increases.

Judging from the performance just now, the strength of these two guardian spirit beasts is only afraid to reach the ninth level of the Nascent Soul Stage, that is to say, Luo Xiaoman's strength is also at the ninth stage of the Nascent Soul Stage.

How can this be?

Luo Xiaoman looks so young, like a little loli.

He had seen a lot of geniuses, but no one could be as perverted as Luo Xiaoman.

"You're hiding very deep!" Chi Chi flapped his wings and turned into a little flamingo, standing on Da Bai's head, staring at Elder Hua fiercely. out."

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