"Xuhua, this time, no matter what, you have to keep a low profile." Ouyang Hao frowned and said in a deep voice.

In order to ensure that the ceremony did not go wrong, he specially accompanied Ouyang Xuhua over.

Now the Ouyang family has lost its former glory and was crushed to death by the other three families. If they don't show any bright performance, it is estimated that other forces will doubt the status of the three major families in Qinhuai City.

"Father, don't worry. I will definitely not make the same mistake." Ouyang Xuhua nodded and said with a serious face: "With my qualifications, as long as there is no accident, it shouldn't be a problem to become a disciple of Xuanzong. "

Ouyang Hao nodded. He also knew how capable his son was. The reason why he was expelled from the Holy Academy was because he himself was confused and did something he shouldn't do.

"Get out, get out!" At this moment, an arrogant voice sounded, and everyone couldn't help but look over.

Suddenly, they saw two beautiful boys wearing red and black straights approaching.

The red straight boy at the head, with clean eyes, gives a beautiful and feminine feeling, while the other black straight boy is cold and handsome, giving people a feeling of being kept away from others.

"What do you look at, haven't you seen a handsome guy?" The red straight boy raised his head and said with a scornful look: "Look again, believe it or not, I beat you guys?"

Everyone was stunned, this, this is too arrogant, too domineering, right?

This is the first time they have seen such an arrogant boy!

"What's the background of this young man?" Everyone talked, "Even the children of the three major families, it's not necessarily so arrogant!"

"Heh, is it a dude from another city?"


Everyone guessed that these two beautiful boys were dudes from other towns.

However, their attitude towards these two beautiful boys was disdainful.

I don’t know which small town’s dude is actually putting on airs in the imperial city. I’m so bored!

"Heh, I don't know what to say." Ouyang Hao curled his lips and said with a mocking expression: "Xuhua, these two teenagers are so arrogant, I'm sure they will never enter Xuanzong's mountain gate."

Ouyang Xuhua nodded, he has suffered a big loss now, but he dare not be arrogant anymore.

If I changed to the previous one, I guess I just got up with the other party. After all, I was one of the three major families in Qinhuai City. The second young master of the Ouyang family was arrogantly approached in front of him by an outsider.

Just as everyone was talking about these two teenagers, a man and a woman were looking at the second floor of a tavern not far away.

"Little Swallow, why did you say that the little lady disguised herself as a man?" Lin Sanxing frowned and said with a puzzled look.

"Because I'm afraid of being recognized!" Ling Yan thought for a while, and whispered: "After all, the young lady now is too dazzling, and she will be recognized if she is not careful. Female disguising as a man is the best choice."

"But don't tell me, the little lady looks so handsome when she pretends to be a man."

Having said that, Ling Yan was holding his chin with both hands, and stars were about to appear in both eyes.

Lin Sanshen, who was next to him, was startled, and immediately shook Ling Yan's head quickly, "What do you think? That's the little lady, don't be fascinated."

"I know!" Ling Yan rolled her eyes, pouted, and said depressed: "People are guilty of idiots, and they won't be really tempted."

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