The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 991: Let's go together!

"Elder Xiao, I don't think there is anything wrong." Xuan Youlin stood up again to speak for Luo Xiaoman, which made everyone feel very surprised.

They finally realized that Qing Cang Youshi valued Bai Yan very much.

Xiao Chen frowned, and there was a solemn look on his face. Now that Xuan Youlin maintains such a white face, he really can't say anything more.

"Lord Envoy, wise!" Luo Xiaoman chuckled, then looked at everyone arrogantly, as if to say that she has Lord Envoy to support her, so what can you do if you have opinions?

"I'm here to emphasize it again." Xuan Youlin glanced at everyone and said quietly: "The third round of testing, you can use various means to win the competition, as long as you can survive ten rounds under Baiyan's Pass the assessment."

This sentence made Luo Xiaoman sound very comfortable.

Unexpectedly, she was so arrogant, so arrogant, that did not arouse Xuan Youlin's disgust, but made him even more interested in himself.

This is somewhat unexpected.

However, this is also a good thing, she can rely on this to looting Xuanzong's resources.

If the people of Xuanzong knew that those who plundered their resources turned out to be their own enemies, it would probably collapse.

Of course, Luo Xiaoman would not be exposed all at once, she had to slowly scavenging Xuanzong's resources bit by bit.

At this time, everyone was talking about it.

"In addition to having a better aptitude and being more cunning, why does this Baiyan get such favoritism from the messenger?"

"Hey, people are more maddening than people! Now we must unanimously face the outside world and get rid of this white face."

"How about we go together?"

Everyone looked at each other and had a decision in their hearts.

Since the messenger has said that the third round of testing can be done by any means, then let's go together.

Suddenly, they stepped forward one by one and surrounded Luo Xiaoman.

"Yes, you should be like this." Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips and said with a disdain: "Come one by one, but it's a waste of Xiaoye's time."

However, she noticed that only one person at the scene did not come forward.

Luo Xiaoman frowned and glanced at the blue aptitude man in doubt. Does he still want to single himself out?

"Everyone, let's go together!" With a low voice from one person, everyone immediately attacked Luo Xiaoman.

Luo Xiaoman's eyes narrowed, his figure turned, his steps were erratic, and he easily avoided the attacks of these people.

Although they went together, they lacked a tacit understanding of each other, which made the situation become chaotic. Luo Xiaoman seized the gap and avoided these rounds of attacks, and used his strength to make them complain. .

"Oh, if you are so powerless to go together, what qualifications do you have to become a disciple of Xuanzong?" Luo Xiaoman shook his head, avoided a fist on his side, and kicked this person out.

Everyone was shocked. They all went together, but they still couldn't help each other. How should this third round of assessment continue?

"It's the ninth round now!" Suddenly, Luo Xiaoman's eyes dazzled, and he said in a deep voice, "The game should be over!"

Everyone's mind trembled, and they withdrew subconsciously.

Suddenly, heart palpitations exploded, and a black figure stood behind them.

Bang bang bang!

A series of muffled noises erupted, and a person flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

"It's done!" Luo Xiaoman flicked his ponytail, patted his little hand, and then leaned on Mo Yuan's body and said with a contemptuous expression: "I won't have fun with you at all."

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