The Strongest Mad Emperor in History

Chapter 1584: He is super genius

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Two days after the flight, the flying boat was very close to the War Beast Dynasty.

In a half day, they could reach the War Beast dynasty.

Both Zhang Xuanyang and Zhang Hai believed that Lin Chen would definitely not wake up.

And when Lin Chen woke up, they might have had a war with the Beast Dynasty. By then, Lin Chen could become his fighting force!

But I didn't expect that Lin Chen had already initially completed the "Jiulong Bashujue"?

It's incredible!

You know, Zhang Lao had enough time for one month!

And Lin Chen only spent two days?

This speed is too terrible!

Seeing Zhang Hai nod, Zhang Xuanyang was unbelievable!

Zhang Hai also said: "My son, Lin Xiaoyou not only accepts theoretical knowledge very quickly, but also puts theoretical knowledge into practice faster! This is not a general genius, this is a super genius! A genius without a hundred thousand miles ! "

Zhang Xuanyang narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "Zhang Lao, how do you think he is compared to the real Lin Chen and talent?"

"The old man hasn't seen the real Lin Chen and it's hard to judge."

Zhang Hai shook his head, and then the words turned sharply: "But Lin Chen's friend is a genius without a hundred thousand miles. This is undoubted! If the dead Lin Chen is really such a god, then, Even if our Lin Chen friends are weaker than him, they will not be weaker. "

Zhang Xuanyang didn't answer, but stood in place, with both hands on his back, and quietly looked at Lin Chen's room.

Under his gaze, a strange and domineering roar suddenly sounded in the room!


Then, in the room, the bright golden light burst out!


An invisible sense of oppression, like a wave, swept through the world!

Everyone on the flying boat was aware of this sense of oppression. Immediately, almost everyone stopped their movements and turned their heads to look at Lin Chen's room!


With this growing sense of oppression, the air above the flying boat was squeezed, forming an air flow, causing a squall!

Lin Chen's room is in the middle of the wind, and it is also the source of everything!

Zhang Xuanyang stood in place, with his hands on his shoulders, and his long hair, long clothes, and long sleeves fluttered in the wind at this moment, making a chirping sound, looking chic!

He smiled and said, "It really is. How do I feel, this Lin Chen on our boat is the Lin Chen from Wan Mo Tu Xian Di?"

Zhang Hai didn't speak.

Zhang Xuanyang continued to laugh and said, "This guy is so talented. According to the truth, I shouldn't have heard of him. I've all seen him. The Lin Chen on our boat is no less talented than them. If he is really a man from Bai Chaoyu, then I should have seen him, even if I had not seen him, I should have heard his name. . "

Zhang Hai still didn't answer, but listened carefully.

As a servant, listening is his business!

Zhang Xuanyang shook his head again, watching Lin Chen's room and said, "This guy must have hidden his identity, which is a bit interesting."

And when Zhang Xuanyang's words came down, the wind howling above the flying boat gradually subsided.

The strange and domineering roar gradually diminished.

The golden light flashing in the room gradually faded.

In the end, everything is calm.

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