Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest mad emperor in history!

Without any hesitation, Zhang Hai directly seals his hands, and Yuan Li falls from the sky, turning it into a thin film, covering the army below.

Zhang Xuanyang exerts his strength to consolidate Zhang Hai's Yuanli film.

Lin Chen held Yoyo and asked, "Which one?"

"That one."

Yoyo pointed at a red armored soldier in a team of thousands of people.

"it is good."

Lin Chen nodded, not hesitating at all, grabbed her right hand from the air, and the surging Yuanli rushed out, forming a spear instantly on the palm of his hand, and the surface of the spear was still burning a bright flame!

Lin Chen snorted, clenched his spear, and threw it towards the soldier!


The world seems to be torn in half!

As soon as the fire flashed, the spear came to the soldier's head and thunder fell!

But at that moment, there was a sudden condensate of blood above the soldier's head, forming a barrier that blocked the flame spear.


Lin Chen stood above the sky, and gently grasped with his right hand.

The flame lance directly "banged" with an explosion, and the violent energy fluctuations spread out, causing a huge gust of wind to wreak havoc between the world.

However, the blood-gas barrier was just cracked and cracked.

So, which soldier has the upper hand?

of course not!

How could Lin Chen give him the upper hand?

Because, at the same time that the flame lance exploded, Lin Chen had already appeared behind the soldier, with his right hand on his shoulder!

When the explosion sounded, Lin Chen's voice also passed into the soldier's ear: "Okay, don't pretend, you've already found you, what's the point of you pretending to be?"

Before the words fell, Lin Chen directly used Yuanli to turn into a tumbling tsunami, rushing into the soldier's body, trying to destroy his body.

However, Lin Chen's violent elementary force, as soon as he entered his body, became a docile little sheep, motionless.

The soldier finally spoke, making a hoarse voice: "Ji Jie, useless, Yuan Li is not effective for me."

Lin Chen grinned: "What about this?"

Directly use the power of "Qingdi Budu Tu Jue"!

Cyan Yuanli rushed into the soldier's body like a flood!

Originally, Yuan Li was in the soldier's body and didn't dare to move at all, and was very scared.

But now, the power of "Qing Di Bu Tu Ju", after entering his body, turned into a bomb. The passing place was like a strong acid, corroding the major organizations in his body!


The soldiers screamed directly, and the voice was extremely sad, as if to penetrate the sky!

"I want you to die!"

At this moment, he could only move his mouth all over his body, and shouted in an angry voice!

All the soldiers around gathered here, wanting to kill Lin Chen!

"Let them stop, otherwise I will use my power to let you die without a burial place."

Lin Chen attached to the man's ear and said coldly.

As soon as the sound fell, the many soldiers around stopped, and they stopped moving forward.

"It's just obedient."

Lin Chen grinned.

After more than a dozen breaths, Lin Chen used the power of "Qingdi Futu Jue" to make a circle in the soldier's body.

The man couldn't bear the pain and kept groaning and roaring.

Lin Chen did this not to torture him, but to know the true identity of the other party.

In fact, he has basically guessed the identity of the other party.

The opponent is a man from the War Martial Continent. Although he was infected with the power of the demon, he did not lose his mind.

And will never lose his mind.


Because the real master of the power of the devil in his body is already dead!

In other words, the power of the heavenly demons he obtained was the power of the dead!

The dead cannot be born again, and even less likely to take over, so even if he is infected with the power of the devil, he will not lose his mind!

No wonder they can refine the panacea.

The power of the heavenly demon extracted from the dead is more stable than that of the living. In the process of experimenting, there is generally no danger.


The power of "Green Emperor's Buddhism" is completely destructive, and there is no grass at the passing place. The power of the devil in the soldier's body is like a match meeting the sea, and it will extinguish instantly!

In a blink of an eye, the soldier's breath has languished to the extreme, as if the lamp that is about to run out of oil will go out in the next moment.

At that moment, the bodyguard flew from afar, suspended above the sky, looked at the three of Yuanli's film, and asked, "Three adults, what are you doing?"

There was a slight panic in his tone.

Because the soldier caught by Lin Chen is not an ordinary person!

He is an evangelist!

The Elixir of the War Beast Dynasty is provided by him!

It stands to reason that as an evangelist, his noble identity should stay with Prince Beast of War Beasts, not here.

However, he said that in order to prevent accidents, he still stayed in the military barracks to prevent some people from getting used to the panacea, which caused unexpected troubles.

Therefore, the war beast prince gave him the status of "guardian of the army" and let him stay in the army.

In order to fully integrate into the army, his appearance and breath are exactly the same as those of other soldiers, with no difference at all.

Therefore, these three people should not find him!

The three did not reply.

"Three adults, His Royal Highness is coming soon, I hope you don't do meaningless stupid things!"

The guard said again, with a slight warning!

Lin Chen attached to the soldier's ear and said coldly: "If you don't want to die, then wait for the prince to come. What should you say, you know it yourself."

"Okay, okay."

The soldier agreed quickly, saying at the same time: "I'm okay, you can step back, don't let the prince come."


The bodyguard doubted it.

Just now, the scream of the preacher was sharp and miserable. Even the guard who did not know what happened could feel his pain.

Obviously, these three people should have done something to him.

The bodyguard guessed that the three men should have grasped the handle of the preacher, so the preacher did not dare to resist.

"Okay, three adults, then I will retire first."

The bodyguard nodded and turned around and flew away.

He was going to inform His Royal Highness.

This is extremely unusual, and we must say!

However, the bodyguard just flew out a few feet, an invisible breath, like a flash of lightning, passed directly through the head of the bodyguard!

Before the guards knew what was happening, they lost consciousness, and their eyes fell black and fell to the crowd.


Zhang Hai retracted his right hand and said coldly: "Can't keep him."

Lin Chen didn't care about this little thing, but grabbed the soldier's shoulder and asked indifferently: "Which force do you come from?"

"Can't you say it?"

The soldier asked.

"What do you think?"

The power of "Qingdi Budu Tu Jue" once again walked around the soldier's body!

The soldier screamed in the sky, his body twitched, and his painful expression twisted!

"I said, I said."

He quickly confessed and said, "I come from..."

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