Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the strongest empire in history!

The owners of those scarlet lanterns also showed their true faces at this moment.

It was a long snake with transparent wings and a grayish-brown body. The wings behind it were translucent, like the wings of a dragonfly.

These snakes are not very large, but at this moment, they are densely suspended in the air in front of them, making them look a little bit scared.

"Is this the Flying Wings ...?"

Lin Chen squinted slightly, thinking secretly in his heart.

Suddenly, above the sky, strange sounds spread down.

This is a language, but humans don't understand it.


Lin Chen heard the type of this language, and smiled, looking up at the sky.

I saw above, I don't know when a giant snake with a length of several feet appeared. It has four wings behind it, and there is a slight fan movement, as if there is a strong wind.

Flying Wing King Snake!

At this moment, the flying wing king snake stood high, overlooking the five flower king snake below, and spoke a language that the genetic human did not understand.

After hearing the words, the King of Five Flowers snake also answered a string of words that the Flying King Snake could not understand.

"What are they talking about?"

Lin Chen looked at Yun Huashu beside him and asked.

Now, it is only Yunhuashu who can understand the conversation between the two snake kings.

Yunhua Shu thought for a moment, then said: "The Flying King Snake asked why the Five King Snake came to cause trouble. The Old King Snake said that this time it would destroy the Flying Wing snake family. Well, that's almost it."

"Is this arrogant?"

Lin Chen frowned slightly, these five flower king snakes were a little crazy!

At this moment, the flying wing king snake was furious, and the four wings behind it were suddenly a strong wind, two storms formed, beating towards the five flower king snake.

The King of Five Flowers snake trembled slightly, and suddenly a huge snake tail emerged from behind, multicolored, and the same fiercely beaten out, colliding with the two storms.

"Boom! Bang!"

With two loud noises, whether it is the storm fanned by the flying wing king snake or the snake tail condensed by the five-flower king snake, they are all bursting at the same time, and a wave of visible energy waves spreads out.

At the same time, the members of the Flying Wing Snake Clan were also ordered by the Flying Wing King Snake, and they shot at Lin Chen and others quickly.

These flying wing snake families are extremely fast, and they are moving at a speed that cannot be captured by the naked eye, and the momentum is amazing.

"I only had one sword in the first battle, so I won't fight next."

At this time, Li Yijian behind Lin Chen spoke and said.

"Yes, it's up to us."

Although Lin Chen felt that Li Yijian's principle was somewhat secondary, he nodded and respected Li Yijian's principle.


Countless flying wing snakes are flying around Lin Chen and other people, dazzling, and from time to time they are illuminated by a scarlet beam, which is extremely lethal.

Lin Chen wanted to fight back, but was taken a step ahead by Yang Liuqing.

"give it to me."

Yang Liuqing said slowly, then took a step forward, flipped the palm, and suddenly there was a pocket-shaped dark mountain peak in the palm of the palm, slowly rotating, an invisible force of suppression, diffused out.

"ten times."

Subsequently, with the words "Yang Liuqing" falling down, she waved her skirt, and the dark mountain peaks in her hands flew out to meet the storm, and then descended from the sky.

With the landing of the mountain peaks, the gravity of the heavens and the earth began to skyrocket. In just a few blinks of work, the sky skyrocketed more than ten times!


Lin Chen's thigh standing on the ground was directly submerged into the ground, as if he had fallen into a mud.

Those flying winged snakes were also limited by gravity, and their speed of flight became slower.

Not only that, just now the mountain peak fell from the sky, and the flying wing snakes that directly overthousands were completely crushed to death. Therefore, at that moment, the flying wing snake family suffered heavy losses.

In the sky, the flying wing king snake saw this scene, very angry, hissing skyward, and those scarlet eyes kept bursting with scarlet light beams.

Behind the five-flower king snake, a huge multi-colored snakehead condensed behind it, spinning at a high speed to form an airtight shield, protecting itself strictly.

In the battle between the King of Five Snakes and the Flying Wing King Snake, Yang Liuqing, Nangong Qian and others launched a repressive killing of the Flying Wing Snake family.

Nangong shallow hands quickly printed, and endless colorful flames bloomed, forming a huge flame giant tiger, giant lion, giant ape and other creatures, swallowed all flying wing snakes, and then burned into ashes.

Yang Liuqing is controlling the slowly moving black peaks, and the surface of the peaks is reflected with a bright luster. No matter how powerful the flying wing snake, as long as it is close to the peak ten feet, it will be petrified and then broken into slag.

In front of the two women, these flying winged snakes have no resistance at all!

In just three or four minutes of work, the Flying Wing Snake family was reduced by one-third, with heavy casualties.

Seeing this scene of the flying wing king snake, it was really anxious, hissing wildly, almost crazy attacking the five flower king snake.

However, under the attack of the flying wing king snake, the five flower king snake began to retreat, not an opponent.

"Brother Lin Chen, let me help it."

Liu Yixue saw that Lin Chen wanted to help the King of Five Snakes, and he took the initiative to "please," Wen Wan said with a smile.

Lin Chen instinctively wanted to say: No, it's too dangerous, you little girl, don't get in trouble.

But after thinking about it, Liu Yixue is no longer a little girl, and now she can completely stand on her own.

After all, in the future, Huazong still has to rely on Liu Yixue. This little girl will have to shoulder the heavy task of revival of Huazong sooner or later.

Therefore, one is to hone this little girl, and the other is because Lin Chen wants to see the strength of this little girl, so she nods and says, "OK, go, but don't be stubborn."

"Will I be stubborn when I get there, brother Lin Chen, can't you see?"

Liu Yixue smiled softly and tenderly, moving even if she stepped out of the air, and walked towards the persecuted King of Five Snakes.

"Lin Guiying, Yun Huashu, you two pay attention, don't let that little girl be in danger."

Lin Chen immediately turned around and said to Lin Guiying behind them.

Lin Guiying both nodded.

They can naturally see that Liu Yixue and Lin Chen have an extraordinary relationship, so even if Lin Chen doesn't say, they will certainly not let Liu Yixue be in trouble.


In the sky, the flying wing king snake fluttered with four wings, and two storms formed suddenly, sweeping towards the five flower king snake.

The five-flowered king snake lacks skill, and it wants to use its body to carry a blow.

However, at this moment, behind her, Liu Yixue's graceful body suddenly appeared, holding a cyan feather fan and waving it gently.


Suddenly, there were also two violent storms forming and blasting towards the sky.

"Boom! Bang!"

At the next moment, the four storms collided together, and their directions of rotation were opposite to each other. Therefore, as soon as they touched, a heartbreaking aftermath erupted and spread.

It was precisely because of Liu Yixue's help that the Wuhua King Snake had a breath of breath. In the next moment, the Wuhua King Snake had a tune, then burst out, and instantly came to the top of the Flying Wing Snake. The venom shot out and landed on the Flying Wing King Snake.

The four wings behind the flying wing king snake trembled, and the wind suddenly twisted, compressing and twisting above it, forming a wind barrier, blocking the venom attack of the five-flower king snake.

Immediately after that, the flying wing king snake's wings fluttered, and it came in front of the five-flowered king snake, and the tail of the snake moved and pulled out abruptly.

At this moment, the flying tail of the flying wing king snake seemed to have a hundreds of feet of gray-brown snake tail, loomingly formed, connected with its physical snake tail, and violently pumped towards the king of five flowers.

The King of Five Flowers snake also condensed a colorful tail of the snake, beating away in the opposite direction towards the flying wing king snake.


Two huge snake tails collided, making a huge noise, and the wave that burst out at the moment of the collision directly turned the world that was so round and round into a vacuum, and the slightest air was absent!

After all, the King of Five Snakes is weaker than the King of the Flying Wings. So the next moment, the tail of the King of Kings snake began to break apart, and a few breaths of work were a "bang" and completely burst Broken open.

Although the tail of the flying wing king snake was also covered with cracks, it remained solidly suspended in the sky.

The King of Five Flowers snake was bitten back, her body trembled slightly, and she stepped back involuntarily.

The Flying Wing King Snake naturally would not let go of such a great opportunity to kill the King of Five Flowers Snake, just to launch an attack.

However, at this moment, a huge storm fell from the sky above its head, and a heavy bombardment hit its body.

With a loud bang, the flying wing king snake caught off guard and was blasted out dozens of feet.

But then, the flying wing king snake shook his body, shattered the storm, and there was an inconceivable anger in the pupil of the snake, looking at the human who shot at it-Liu Yixue.

Then it glanced down again.

And it was this slight glance that directly made its scarlet pupils shrink sharply.

Because its flying wing snake family has been reduced by almost half!

If it continues like this, it has painstakingly operated the Flying Wing Snake Clan for a century, and it will be destroyed!

At this moment, the flying wing king snake's heart was dripping with blood, and its mood was extremely furious, and it was anxious to wipe out all the people present, none left!

However, since the Flying Wing King Snake was able to gain a foothold in the depths of Wan Mo Tu Xian Di, this is enough to show its super high IQ and strategy. Therefore, it did not resist Lin Chen and the others but started Try to communicate with the King of Five Flowers.

The Five Flower King Snake also communicated with the Flying King Snake by using magic words, but compared with the peaceful attitude of the Flying King Snake, the attitude of the Five Flower King Snake was extremely tough, and it did not seem to let go.

"What are they talking about now?" Lin Chen looked at Yun Huashu again and asked.

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