Chapter 139

This thing is almost useless to humans. Although it is also full of wind elements, they are all extremely violent wind elements, and there is no way to absorb it.

Even most of the wind type monsters don’t need this thing, so no one deliberately collects it.

Basically no one will buy what is out of the market.

After the rice wine knew that this thing was worthless, the expression on his face changed a little.

“Master, I think your monster likes this thing, I found this thing for you anyway, shouldn’t I be rewarded?”

Thinking about the rice wine, he was not reconciled. He rolled his eyes and said, “Magic circle? Magic robe? Magic wand? I don’t dislike it!”

“Don’t worry, this is my hush money. After I take the things and go out, I will assume that I have forgotten about it, and I will never mention it to outsiders!”

Seeing his lack of greed, Long Ming laughed instead.

This kind of person, on the contrary, is the best person to deal with. They are often timid and profitable. As long as Long Ming gives him something at this time, he will never go out and talk nonsense without understanding. Of course, even Long Ming. If he didn’t give a dime, he might not dare to say.

However, Long Ming would not take this kind of risk. The fact that the other party found the most anxious thing for himself was enough.

Long Ming touched a few pieces of jade pendant from his body, took out another bottle of healing potion, and threw it to the yellow wine.

“The potion is for you to heal your wounds, and the jade pendant is the magic circle you want. One is a mid-level attack circle, one is a low-level attack, and one is a low-level defense.”

The rice wine hurriedly reached out to catch the jade pendant, only feeling a little hot, and the expression on his face was a little awkward.

“Intermediate, intermediate?”

Don’t say it’s an intermediate level, he hasn’t even come into contact with a low-level one!

He is a poor casual cultivator. Although he barely struggled to reach the realm of a one-star magician, he was still far behind those rich brothers with rich resources!

Long Ming’s shot was so generous, naturally it made the rice wine not react.

But it’s not just that.

Long Ming’s hand flashed slightly, and a magic robe was unfolded.

“The primary defensive magic robe, with a magic circle blessing on it, has a certain defensive function.”

After speaking, Long Ming shook his hand and threw the magic robe to the dumbfounded rice wine.

“Magic wand, attached to the primary attack blessing circle.”

Another piece of wood was thrown over.

The rice wine’s breathing became more and more rapid, and the eyes were even a little red.

“This this…”

The words of the rice wine just now were really just casual talk. I never thought that I could actually get these precious things, and they were all attached to the magic circle!

It is almost invaluable to put such a precious thing in the outside world, but now he is holding it in his hand and it is extremely hot!

The rice wine has some difficult openings.

“Young master, these things are too precious, no, not worth the information I provide you…”

Not to mention intelligence, rice wine felt that even a real wind spar vein was not worth these things.

“There is nothing precious, and your information is also very precious to me.”

Having said that, Long Ming glanced at the rice wine lightly and walked directly into the cave.

Only the rice wine was left holding things outside and looking at the hole in silence for a long time.

In fact, Long Ming didn’t really lie.

Those things attached to the magic circle may be precious to others, but for him they are really things that can be done at hand.

Not to mention just some low-level magic circles.

On the contrary, the news about the aneorite veins brought by the rice wine is too precious to him at the moment, even before that, Long Ming had thought of taking out all of his wealth in exchange for news.

If the rice wine is greedy and wants more, Long Ming may also give it without hesitation.

After Long Ming entered the cave, he activated a light magic, and a little ball of light appeared in the palm of Long Ming’s palm. One person and one fox groped into the narrow cave.

Not long after walking, the cave in front of me slowly became wider, and the surrounding walls also slowly added a lot of blue or green light.

This is a natural spar formed by no one in the cave for a long time. It is highly ornamental and has a low magic content.

The moss stretches over the cave wall, and you can almost miss it if you don’t look closely.

Along the way, apart from the reptiles he encountered by chance, Long Ming had hardly encountered any powerful monsters.

There was silence in the cave, and there was no trace of the beasts mentioned by the rice wine at all.

After another full quarter of an hour, the cave in front changed its appearance again, and various pitted walls were exposed in front of Long Ming. At the same time, Xiao Jiu was slightly excited.

Obviously, the wind spar vein is not far away!

The whine sounded, not Xiao Jiu’s cry, more like a whistling wind passing through the hall, but when you listened carefully, it disappeared again.

Long Ming stopped and stared at the surrounding rocks with stumbling marks for a while, then suddenly moved the ball of light in his hand, and put a hand on one of the gaps.

Long Ming suddenly felt that his entire arm was rushed in by a sudden hurricane. In an instant, his arm was numb, and a domineering wind pressure quickly rushed into his meridians, following his whole body meridians. In the body, finally eroded into his magic vortex!

After feeling the impact in his body, Long Ming’s eyes suddenly condensed, and his expression became extremely solemn!

Immediately after, a stunned color flashed in his eyes, because he discovered that this hurricane was actually digested by his body after it entered his body for a round!

Immediately afterwards, a familiar mechanical sound rang.

“Detected magic fluctuations, hurricane impact! Source, aeolian rock mine, wind magic rule content is 5%, copying, copying fails, magic skills are formed from natural rock mines, system parameters are insufficient, and cannot be copied, please host as soon as possible Provide parameters!”

Copy failed, see also copy failed!

Long Ming was shocked for a moment, but soon he understood the meaning of the system.

“Di, the parameter loading is currently one percent.”

Long Ming took off his slightly numb arm and asked Xiao Jiu.

“It should be the wind crystal vein here, but this wind crystal vein is not easy to mine, you…”

He was able to find that the violent wind content in this aeolian rock mine is obviously very high. This cave here is likely to have been blown by tornadoes every year, so even the aeolian rock itself contains hurricanes, let alone where the core is. The wind spar!

I never thought of Long Ming’s exhortation before he finished speaking, he saw Xiao Jiu skillfully pulling out a piece of cyan ore from the gap between the two pitch-black rocks, it was an aeolian stone!

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