Chapter 24 Long Mo’er vs Long Fei

Long Kun was in trouble for a while.

He thought that Long Mo’er’s competition would have to wait at least two or three games or four or five games before it appeared. Who knew that he was going to face Long Fei now!

If you are later, you can go out to fight unscrupulously at that time, even if you can’t fight, you won’t be shrinking like this now.

But now he is actually about to play, there is a Long Ming beside Long Kun, it is impossible for Long Ming to show up now, but is it too early to show up?

Long Kun cast his eyes on Long Ming again, as if seeking his opinion.

Long Ming touched his chin to think, weighing the pros and cons.

If he showed up later, he would be able to make his debut in the white-hot stage of the contest, allowing Long Fei, who had already risen to rise, to hide again under his arrogance, and he could also achieve amazing eyeballs.

But now that he played, Long Fei hadn’t gotten up yet, so he definitely couldn’t play so impulsively. After all, he didn’t know what was going on with the Li family and the Mu family.

Playing recklessly, I don’t know what unexpected situation will happen. I can only show up in the form of thunder when the match is about to end, and end the whole game quickly. This will make the Li family and the Mu family unable to react and can’t do it. Any way to deal with it.

While Long Ming was thinking, the host looked at the Long’s stand, and he whispered: “Long Fei is already on the competition stage, please let Long Mo’er come on stage!”

There was silence for a while.

“Long Moer, please come on stage!”

There was silence again.

The host panicked, he had never encountered such a situation.

The resource allocation game within the clan is a game that every clan member must participate in, and it is also a game that has great benefits. Whether it is in terms of competition system or harvest, every dragon family has a reason to have to participate.

But after so many years, this was the first time this happened. Calling someone to come but no one played, leaving only the iron-clad Long Fei standing silently on the stage.

“Could it be that Long Mo’er was afraid, so he didn’t dare to come out?”

“I think so, I heard that although she has the strength of a five-star magic apprentice, but the attribute is not the flame attribute inherited from the Long family, it is probably embarrassing to make a fool of yourself in front of others.”

“If you don’t dare to make a fool of yourself in front of others, I think it’s just that you don’t dare to fight Long Fei. It’s really embarrassing.”

Every word of you and me in the crowds stands all the way to the ears of the three of Long Ming.

Long Mo’er’s expression was a little dim for a while. She glanced at Long Ming and said softly, “Brother Long Ming, you don’t need to pay attention to those people’s statements. important things.”

Long Ming just looked straight ahead and kept silent.

The host was completely embarrassed this time. He smiled apologetically to Long Fei, and then said to everyone: “Long Mo’er, the little girl, is wayward. I will go to her personally. Please stay calm and wait. A moment later, a servant will bring melons and fruits for everyone to taste.”

After speaking, the servants of the Long’s family moved and walked to the stands with their plates.

The host obviously also has a good realm. He leaped over the Long Family stand in the air, and nodded to Long Gan and the other three people in the clan with hands and eyes open to the sky.

“The patriarch, the two elders, what is the situation with Long Mo’er, it will be difficult to end without coming out!”

Long Teng and Long Hui did not speak, but looked at Long Gan with a slightly mocking look.

Long Gan said blankly: “Long Mo’er is unwell, so let me watch this game. If Long Fei wins, I don’t need to report again for the rest of the game.”

“This… well, it can only be this way.”

Long Teng tut and said: “I feel unwell? If Long Mo’er feels unwell, will Long Ming feel unwell too? Why didn’t the patriarch finish it all at once, and Long Li will come to ask later.”

Long Teng seemed to be sure that Long Ming had escaped, and the ridicule on the corners of his mouth became more intense.

Long Gan glanced at Long Teng slightly, “No one will treat you as dumb if you don’t speak.”

Long Hui laughed and patted Long Teng, “Brother Teng, I said you don’t feel uncomfortable, you still don’t listen, let’s see, our patriarch is angry.”

Long Teng snorted coldly.

The host flew back to the martial arts stage again. He coughed slightly and said to so many people sitting: “Everyone, I’m really sorry, Long Mo’er is unwell. This game can only be put on hold for the time being and it is judged that Long Fei…”

“Who said this lady is unwell? This lady is here!”

The host, Long Li, has never held such an embarrassing martial arts competition since the beginning of the game of resource allocation within the clan.

He looked at a beautiful figure on the martial arts stage, and thought secretly, my aunt, if you come here a while earlier, you won’t make me so embarrassed.

Long Li let out a foul breath, he said with a smirk: “It seems that Miss Long Mo’er has a good recovery ability. Now the game starts!”

There was an uproar in the audience!

Ice attribute five-star magic apprentice Long Mo’er!

Face up with Long Fei, an apprentice of the flame attribute seven-star magic apprentice!

This is a game without any suspense. The Dragon Fei of the Seven-Star Magic Apprentice is favored by more people, but what everyone sees is not a fight between realm and realm, but a kind of attribute restraint. fighting!

Long Mo’er stood on the competition stage, looking at Long Fei with unkind eyes.

Long Fei’s whole body was wrapped in iron armor, leaving only a rough face. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Long Mo’er, his voice extremely hoarse.

“Miss Mo’er, I don’t seem to provoke you anywhere, how can you look at me with such a look.”


Long Mo’er snorted coldly and said, “You are not allowed to call me Miss! I am not familiar with you! You are the villain who snatched things from Brother Long Ming!”

Hearing this, Long Fei sneered, “How can it be said to be robbing? Everyone is fighting for their own ability. He Long Ming has become a waste. Naturally, I, Long Fei, will get everything he has!”


Long Mo’er took another sip, her hands gathered together, and a magical element with a strong chill rose up and gradually condensed into a sphere in her hand.

“I know I can’t beat you, but I will try my best!”

Long Fei smiled disdainfully, “I don’t know what it is!”

The magic hockey puck in Long Mo’er’s hand instantly dropped out, rushing towards Long Fei extremely fast!

As soon as the dragon stepped forward, the flame magic rose instantly and shattered the magic hockey puck in one fell swoop!

Then Long Fei carried a string of flames in his right hand, and slaughtered him straight towards Long Mo’er!

Long Mo’er knew that her magical ice ball would not cause any substantial damage to Long Fei. After releasing the magical ice ball, she took the next shot, and a wall of ice abruptly rose directly from the ground!

Long Fei is here!

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