Chapter 329

After Long Ming left, he randomly found a Xuanbaozhai, which was also a place where some utensils could be found.

There is no doorkeeper here, the door can be a bird, no one cares about it.

Long Ming doesn’t care if there is anyone, just follow his heart.

The boss is a fat man, and he greeted him as he saw Long Ming as if he saw God.

At first glance, Long Ming seemed to feel that he had returned to the kindness of Blue Star.

On the Blue Star, some bosses will regard their customers as gods.

It’s the same here now, the dragon feels like finding home.

Immediately, Long Ming was sure that it was the right choice for him to come here to buy things.

“Boss, can you buy stones here!”

Long Ming asked.

The boss said yes, saying that the main thing here is to buy stones for the guests.

Long Ming was surprised, then why is there not a single guest here.

The boss also seemed to see that Long Ming was puzzled, explaining that he was often suppressed because he did not have the support of the nobles, so few customers came to the door.

It turned out that Long Ming was even more disgusted with the refining pavilion next to him.

To achieve this goal with the support of the nobility, this method can be described as really despicable.

After a while, the boss already took out some stones from the warehouse. This kind of buying stones is just like the gambling stones on Blue Star.

However, when buying stones here, what needs to be exchanged is not the universal currency of magic coins, but magic ore, which is exchanged for goods.

The reason for this is also the reason why it attracts a lot of customers.

Long Ming took out ten magic ore and put them on the table.

“Do you want to think about it again!”

The boss was surprised, thinking that Long Ming was a poor man and he didn’t have much magic ore, but found that he had missed it.

In fact, Long Ming was able to come here to patronize, even if it was worse, he didn’t expect much.

Long Ming said that he didn’t need to think about it, and then he used a hammer to break the first stone, which was predictable.

As a result, the boss exclaimed: “A Philosopher’s Stone!”

There are ten levels of quality of the Philosopher’s Stone, from level one to level ten, and so on. If it exceeds one level, the more precious it will be.

The first-level magic stone is already very precious, and such a piece is equivalent to the expenditure of the poor for a year.

This kind of magic stone can be used to forge some better quality weapons for the mercenary union members, which can increase their chances of survival in the Warcraft Forest, and make them more likely to hunt warcraft and prepare them among the mercenaries. Respected.

Long Ming’s eyes could see a little white light in it, so he was not too happy, which was already expected.

The Philosopher’s Stones he selected were the best among the boss’s Philosopher’s Stones.

Brother, your luck is really good, other buyers may not buy one piece in a year

The boss is happy for Long Ming. For the poor, buying stones is very luxurious.

Generally, there are no poor people to buy, and many of them are down-and-out nobles who want to buy back their noble status in this way.

Some nobles succeeded, but some nobles finally broke their fortunes and became street beggars because they gambled on all their property.

Long Ming continued to knock on the second piece, but the boss exclaimed again, this time it was a second-level magic stone.

The light in the Philosopher’s Stone was even more dazzling than before. There was a scale covering the entire stone. Compared with the first one, the scale covering was more complete.

“Little brother, your luck is terrible, good luck!”

The boss is excited. This is the first customer who can still catch the second stone in his store. The key is that the quality is better.

On the road, many people were already attracted to look over. After stopping and watching for a while, they also gathered around.

In fact, even in the Refining Pavilion, such things rarely happen.

Soon, the news spread, one spread ten to ten, ten to a hundred, spread to the refining pavilion.

The owner of the Refining Pavilion does not despise. Although there are no customers in his shop who offer this kind of ore one after another, he has people who offer four-level ore.

No matter how many customers like this drive, they can’t compare to someone who can drive Grade 3 ore from him.

There is not much difference between the first-level ore and the second-level ore, but it is completely different after the second-level ore.

Level three ore can provide some black magicians to cultivate spiritual power, which is highly respected in the Philosopher’s Stone.

This ore can refine some powerful weapons for them and resist some magic stones that specialize in spiritual power.

Many magicians, and even people who would be beaten with blood because of a third-level ore, were there.

They all know how precious these three-level ores are.

This is also the reason why the store owner will not take it seriously now.

On Long Ming’s side, he continued to crack the third piece of ore.

This time, the boss was taken aback and discovered that it was a grade three ore.

The crowd of people onlookers were wide-eyed, and it was the first time they saw Grade 3 ore.

They may have never seen Level 3 ore in their entire lives, and more of them are just hearing about it.

“Oh my God, someone has issued Level 3 ore, I’m not mistaken, right!”

“Does anyone tell me that this is all fake, this is all an illusion!”

“I must be dreaming!”

Others felt that they were dazzled, and rubbed their eyes one by one.

Many aristocrats can see clearly, even if they are already old, but they can still analyze it in a short period of time that what they see is true.

They were so excited, all envy and jealous, they all wished to rush to take these three-level ore as their own.

There are still some people who want to replace Long Ming.

However, they dare not do this now, because there are patrols everywhere in this imperial city.

Once they do this kind of thing, they will be jailed.

They all know the consequences of snatching, so now they can only look envious.

Long Ming was a little happy now. This is a Grade 3 ore, and he didn’t read it wrong this time.

These ores were all brought out of the secret room at that time. At that time, the system detected that these were good things, and Long Ming took them with him.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a precious grade three ore.

Once it reaches the level 3 ore, the value will change drastically.

Above the Blue Star, these Grade 3 ores are like some valuable treasures that cannot be bought.

There are already some nobles who have come up at this time, and they have said that they will buy them, and some nobles are already fighting.

“Little brother, I bought these level three ore, do you want magic coins or elixir, I will give them all!”

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