Chapter 336 Sinis’ Trick

Phantom Gun!

In the school, when he was going to choose magic, he got stuck with this kind of magic at a glance.

If Long Ming used magic, he would definitely not be an opponent.

But now that Long Ming doesn’t even use magic, Sinis feels that he wants to clean up Long Ming now is more than enough.

Defeating Long Ming is only a matter of time.

However, he did not know.

His Phantom Magic Spear had made mistakes from just now to now, and it didn’t even stab Long Ming at all.

If the stab fails, then her magic is decoration.

Alice breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Long Ming dodge easily.

If Long Ming was injured because of this unnecessary battle, then she would definitely feel guilty from now on, perhaps the one for a lifetime.

“You really disappoint me. Do you think I want to be the owner of the family? I am all for this family. I tell you the truth. I have always placed my hopes on you, but from the past to the present, you Never let me see hope in you!”

Alice was disappointed, and now she was completely discouraged.

From the moment that father entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, he has been waiting for this younger brother to become very good one day, and finally surpass him and inherit the position of this family.

But this younger brother is not righteous. He used to like to go idle and eat, drink and have fun everywhere.

Just forget it, this younger brother still uses this kind of idea now, it’s just eating inside and out.

“Do you know that there is another reason why I don’t let you be the head of the house, that is, I don’t want to ruin the whole family in your hands because of your mistakes, you are really bad!”

It turned out that Alice would not say these things, but now she is very angry.


Sinis yelled with anger and ugly face.

He was not optimistic in the past, and now he is not optimistic, Sinis is very frustrated.

“All the family resources are yours. From before to now, when will my father be willing to treat you the same to me? This is not fair. You can’t give me what I want. Even so, I can only use my own means. Come and take everything I want!”

Sinis said excitedly.

As he spoke, Sinnis’s eyes became fierce.

Alice’s words thoroughly stimulated Sinis.

But at the same time, Sinis has now begun to make more mistakes.

Her phantom magic gun also began to become chaotic, it was as if the original uniform order was now chaotic.

Immediately afterwards, these attacks did not even need to dodge in Long Ming’s eyes.

“Why can’t you stab him, kill him for me!”

Sinis never looked for problems from himself. In his opinion, it was always a problem with the surrounding environment, including all people and things.

Sinis became more and more excited when he found that he missed the stabbing. At the same time, the action of stabbing out of his hand began to become more and more frequent.

Stabbed out several times in succession, and found that it was in vain.

“I feel unlucky for your sister to have a brother like you, what a shit brother, nothing!”

Long Ming directly turned on the mocking mode, this kind of person needs to be suppressed.

If you don’t have the right now, you are already motivated by profit, and you can even use your sister’s lifelong happiness in exchange for what you want. Wouldn’t it be that the six relatives will deny it in the future?

This kind of person is simply a beast.

“You shut up, you are not qualified to say that to me as an outsider!”

Sinis was like an angry lion, thundering.

Sinis became more and more angry, and at the same time his Phantom Gun was greatly compromised because of its missed stabbing.

Next, Long Ming’s advantage came out.


Long Ming snorted coldly. He had seen someone stupid, but it was the first time he had seen someone so stupid.

For what I want, I actually want to start with the people around me.

This world is the weak and the strong, but this does not mean that they can attack the people around them.

If you can really do this, then you don’t deserve to be called a human being. These are two beasts walking away.

At this time, Sinis also found that he had a huge disadvantage, and his heart sank. He didn’t expect it to be like this.

“Damn it, how could this be!”

Long Ming didn’t want to continue playing anymore, so he directly flew Sinnis.

“Who dares to do this here!”

Suddenly, a gust of wind came and caught Sinis.

It was an old man who was seven feet tall, and his magic power was as deep as the sea.

The old man glared angrily and said: “We treat you as a distinguished guest, but you are hurting my family’s son and deceiving too much!”

Alice quickly explained that it was Sinnis deliberately picking things up just now.

The old man didn’t listen, and said, “No matter what the reason is, it’s wrong that he shot Sinnis first, he must be punished!”

Alice’s face sank. This old man is the seventh elder of the family and an elder who supports this younger brother.

In the family, many elders support her, but this elder alone is not.

The elder supported his younger brother because his younger brother gave the elder benefits.

“Alice, you are the next heir to the family, how can you stand by and watch? What’s more, he is still your brother. If your father knew you did this kind of stuff, what do you think your father would do!”

The Seventh Elder squinted his eyes and said after a cold snort.

Alice said with a firm gaze: “No matter what my father would do, I don’t think I have done anything wrong now, and I don’t think he has done anything wrong!”

The seventh elder smiled with anger and said: “Alice, your father knows that he will be disappointed with you. You thought you could do whatever you want in the family as before!”

Alice’s face changed again, and she looked at Sinis, knowing that the younger brother’s family must have convinced her father.

“Sinnis, I hate you!”

Once her father really agreed to the marriage, then she would no longer be the favorite of the family, and would never be able to return.

There is a saying that the daughter who is married is the water poured out. This is the truth, once she is married.

In the future, unless something major happens, she can’t go back to this family again.

Let’s not mention it. The key is that she doesn’t want to marry at all. I heard that the brother-in-law that this disciple is looking for is a brother-in-law who likes to eat, drink and have fun, and often goes to play with women, and is also one of the brother’s friends.

With this little brother’s nasty character, he naturally knows what kind of friend it is.

“Sister, you hurt your own brother for an outsider, you are too much!”

Sinnis had a conspiracy on his face.

Alice panicked, at a loss.

If it had been before, she would definitely be able to teach this brother.

But right now, this situation is different.

“Alice, I said I will help you solve this matter now, and I will definitely help you solve it, I promise!”

Long Ming said again, saying that just wanted to reassure Alice.

It can be seen that Alice must be scared now.

In the past two days, Long Ming also knew what kind of person Sinnis was. He was an out-and-out scumbag.

What kind of a scumbag friend can be?

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