Chapter 366

This time, Long Ming knew he was in trouble again.


Long Ming nodded and admitted directly.

“You guy, it feels incredible every time!”

Alice looked at Long Ming with watery eyes, trying to see what kind of person Long Ming was, but she couldn’t see anything after watching it for a long time.

Before, Alice wanted to open Long Ming’s head to see what thoughts were inside. Now this thought is getting stronger and stronger, and she even has this kind of impulse.

“My current identity is your man, pay attention to the words!”

Long Ming changed the subject and didn’t want to continue on that topic.

Alice likes to ask some questions, but Long Ming just doesn’t want to talk about these topics at this time.

“My father has been looking for you for a long time and wants to see you!”

Long Ming knew why he wanted to meet, so he nodded and went to the main hall

Jinster had already waited, and Long Ming took out the black magic stone.

“Are you sure you can find a dragon seed stone from a mineral vein!”

Jinster couldn’t help asking. After knowing that Long Ming had helped Antas find a dragon seed stone, he couldn’t sleep through the night, thinking that he would also get a dragon seed stone.

Although he felt that this would be a bit too much, he still wanted to ask Long Ming.

Long Ming frowned and said, “I’m afraid it won’t be easy!”

Then Long Ming explained: “I can help them find it, but they are lucky!”

This is indeed the case. If he goes to find this kind of dragon seed stone, it will be difficult to find, or even impossible to find.

Dragon seed stones are rare and difficult to find.

Many years ago, the royal family was able to find it because they were lucky to get the dragon seed stone.

It was the same this time. Many people took the initiative to find it, and they often returned without success.

Long Ming felt that it would be the same in the end if he continued to search.

“The elder on the family’s side has been chewing his tongue with me in recent days, wanting me to ask you to find it. There is no way, I can only tell you like this!”

In fact, there is also Jinster’s selfishness to say this. This dragon seed stone can actually find things that are not easy, but in his opinion, as long as he can find this is the first step to success.

As long as Long Ming goes to look for it, then there is hope to find the Dragon Seed Stone.

“Next time I go to the Warcraft Forest, I will look for it. As for whether I can find it, I’m not sure!”

In any case, this is also a nominal father-in-law, and this can’t be just perfunctory, so suddenly Long Ming can only say that.

Long Ming had the illusion that it was a wrong decision to become Alice’s fiance this time.

Kingston was overjoyed and said: “It doesn’t matter whether you can find it or not, as long as you are willing to find it, this is a good thing!”

In fact, Jinster knew that it was impossible to find it, so he could only ask Long Ming to find it.

It may take a long time, but you just need to find it.

This at least allows them to continue their fantasy.

Seeing that the Angeli family’s status is now rising and they can get the same treatment as the royal family, all of them are jealous and itchy.

It happened that Long Ming could help them, so they all wanted to give it a try.

The Angeli family’s status is now rising, and the city is attracting attention. Many families are envious of the Angeli family.

Jinster is one of the Patriarchs, and every day he imagines that he will one day get the Dragon Seed Stone, so that their family can also fight for a breath.

Long Ming went to look for them a few days later, but they all returned empty-handed.

“You don’t need to listen to my father, it’s not easy at all!”

After Alice knew that her father had done too much, she found Long Ming.

“Your father is now my father, and this is what I should do!”

After Long Ming took a deep breath, he smiled and said.

Alice’s heart warmed, she didn’t expect Long Ming to think about his father at this time.

In the next few days, many people approached Long Ming.

Most of them are some famous local mercenaries, and they want Long Ming to help them detect some magic stones.

Both gave generous rewards, and Long Ming did not refuse this time.

After all, in the next period of time, he will need to travel between the Royal City and the Warcraft Forest.

In other words, he must deal with these mercenaries.

In this way, he helped them, it can be regarded as a good favor.

Long Ming did not collect their magic stones.

These mercenaries are grateful, because they don’t have a spiritual teacher, so they need to spend a high price to hire a spiritual teacher to find these magic stones.

It turned out that they couldn’t afford Long Ming. In order to detect higher quality magic stones this time, they borrowed a lot of magic coins and found Long Ming.

The reason why they did this was also because they couldn’t help themselves. They lost a lot when they came back from the Warcraft Forest, so they can only make up for their loss by finding a better magic stone.

If they can’t find a high-quality magic stone, this time they won more than the loss.

Long Ming was at the gate of the city, detecting these magic stones for them.

Most of the mercenary teams that went to this time, just like this, all got high-quality magic stones.

“Master Long, you let me go east in the future, I will never go west!”

“Master Long, in the future you will let me throw my head and shed blood. In a word, I will definitely not refuse!”

These people are all excited and say that only spiritual teachers can make them return with satisfaction.

When many mercenaries go to the Warcraft Forest, they will bring a spiritual teacher.

But those spiritual teachers are just ordinary ones, relatively speaking, they can’t be compared with Long Ming.

When looking for high-quality magic stones, it is impossible to accurately find some of the better quality.

A spiritual teacher like Long Ming is one of the few in the royal city.

This time, Long Ming will detect them for free, which is equivalent to giving them a fortune.

In the next period of time, all major forces came to win over Long Ming one after another, and they offered generous terms.

Some people also said that they want to marry next.

However, all of these were rejected by Long Ming.

Because he still doesn’t want to eat soft rice.

Although he became Alice’s fiancé, now he is not eating soft food.

He did many things by himself.

He worked hard for a long time, but it was all on his own.

Once he joins these people, the result is different.

Therefore, Long Ming directly chose to refuse.

However, they did not give up because of this, they all began to find ways to win.

Some families want to get married. In this world, they support men with three wives and four concubines.

As long as this person is distinguished, even if it is to marry a hundred women.

These families all wanted Long Ming to help them find the Dragon Seed Stone, so they all began to think of ways to do what they wanted.

All sorts of inquiries about Long Ming, I want to know what Long Ming wants.

In the next period of time, such a scene appeared in Wangcheng, that is, someone asked about Long Ming.

Long Ming has also become a topic that many people talk about, and they all began to understand where Long Ming came from.

However, when they knew that Long Ming had grown up against the sky, they were all dumbfounded.

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