Chapter 8

As a powerful figure of Yaoguang City’s Intermediate Magician, Long Gan is naturally also good at ears. After hearing Long Ming’s murmur, he slapped his son on the head again.

Long Ming rubbed his head with a bitter expression on his face. The injuries he suffered from fighting with Li Xiaoyun were not as heavy as his father’s two slaps.

“Father, why are you hitting me again!”

Long Gan glared and scolded: “It’s just right for Lao Tzu to beat his son!”

After that, he exhaled again, “Ming’er, in your father’s heart, you will never be a waste. You are still father’s favorite son of heaven, and you are still father’s most proud and proud son! Ming’er, you have to remember Live, no one can say that you are a trash, including yourself, do we have elemental affinity and can’t practice magic? It’s a joke!”

“I don’t believe it anymore. There are so many magical elements between the heaven and the earth. Since your elements don’t come to me, can’t I find you in the past? Although you don’t have any elemental affinity anymore, in case a certain element has ten-star Longming affinity What? Are you right?”

Ten-star Longming affinity?

Long Ming laughed at the talent level invented by his father Long Gan, and Long Mo’er smiled like a silver bell.

But Long Ming knew that a dignified head of a family who was able to say such an old and disrespectful person didn’t want to regain his confidence for Long Ming, even if he really didn’t have elemental affinity, he would give up on himself?

Long Gan said again: “The entire Blue Star people know that the level of elemental affinity determines future achievements, but no one knows what kind of realm a person without elemental affinity can cultivate to, in case you really Become the one who breaks this’zero’?”

Long Ming nodded heavily. He still decided to hide his affinity for the eight-star element. After all, he didn’t know what unexpected situation would happen in the future.

He didn’t want to see Dad Longgan’s hope rise again, falling into despair.

Long Ming secretly clenched his fists, no matter what, he must make good use of this eight-star elemental affinity talent to stand up again, and let the Long Family rise again!

Not only does it stand in the small city of Yaoguang City, but it also has a place in the large city.

Besides, this world is so big, you always have to go for a walk.

In Long Ming’s reading these days, he accidentally discovered some mystery. In the magical world, there is actually a group of people who live on human blood, and half of them are human and half animal species, as well as on the seabed. Build the civilization of the city.

This aroused Long Ming’s strong curiosity. He wanted to go to these places to see what kind of scenery it was.

But if you want to walk thousands of miles, you must have the strength to be close to you, otherwise you don’t even know how to die when you just leave the city of Yaoguang.

Long Ming made up his mind that since God gave him a chance to come back again, he would never spend this life in a muddle-headed manner. He wanted his name and family name to resound throughout the Blue Star!

After the three of them walked farther and farther, Mu Xuebing dared to move slowly, until the Long family three disappeared at the end of the street, she hurried to Li Xiaoyun to check.

At this time, the eldest son of the Li family was covered in blood, and his arms were scorched, and he was in danger of breaking his arms.

Mu Xuebing tremblingly used ice magic to temporarily seal Li Xiaoyun’s wound, and then hurriedly returned to Mu’s house with this half-dead young master!

At the other end of the street, Long Gan smiled slightly and snorted coldly, “I thought that Mu’s girl would just let Li Xiaoyun go, or else this Li Xiaoyun would definitely die. Then Li Xiaoyun’s death will have something to do with her. .”

“So, uncle, are you merciful?”

“Then Li Xiaoyun didn’t hurt Ming’er, so I just taught him some lessons. As for whether he can save his arms, it depends on whether Mu Xuebing’s speed is fast or not. But looking at her cowering look, it is estimated that Li Xiaoyun can protect him. The next one is not bad.”

Long Mo’er breathed a sigh of relief. Since Li Xiaoyun’s life is not in danger, there is still room for relaxation.

The reason she was so worried was not because she was afraid of the Li family’s full counterattack, but because she was worried about the uncle’s current status in the family.

You know, the dragon family of a clan is not only the people of Longgan’s line, for example, the Longgan line is where Longgan and Long Mo’er are located-Long Kun.

There are other clan elders in the family who are staring at Long Gan, waiting for the current patriarch to make a mistake and pull him down.

Long Ming, who has become a waste, has already put pressure on Long Gan. If Long Gan kills Li Xiaoyun again, I am afraid that this uncle’s position as the head of the patriarch will inevitably be lost.

Long Ming’s eyes were cold, he looked back, and Mu Xuebing and Li Xiaoyun were no longer in front of the auction house.

He said in a cold voice, “It’s too cheap for him to have only one arm. Since I have to do it, I have to do something absolutely, father, if I were you, as long as I shot it, he would kill him at that time!”

When Long Gan heard these words, he squinted his eyes and did not speak, touching his chin and thinking.

Long Mo’er hit this cousin a bit. It’s really wrong to know that firewood, rice, oil, and salt are expensive. Now the uncle is on the cusp of the storm. If you really kill Long Ming, I’m afraid the uncle will really fall into the deep sea.

“Brother Longming, what are you talking about, it’s all to this point, and you still shouted and screamed, let’s think about how to deal with the Li family next.”

“I think Minger is right.”

Long Gan suddenly said: “Ming’er, this matter is my wife’s benevolence. I thought it was a child, so I just need to teach it a little bit, but after you said this, I immediately understood it.”

“Uncle, how come you…My father said, your current situation…”

Long Mo’er didn’t dare to speak further, for fear of hurting this uncle who regarded himself as his own.

Long Gan smiled and touched Long Mo’er’s head, “There are some things, Mo’er you still haven’t considered fully, so you will know when you go home and ask your father.”

“Ah? What the hell is going on? Why are you all going to sell it!”

The second monk Long Mo’er Zhang couldn’t figure it out, and a doubtful emotion instantly rose in her heart, why these two people began to play dumb puzzles.

Long Ming laughed, “Don’t let Mo’er ask her father, or he will be scolded by the second uncle again.”

In the impression of Long Ming’s predecessor, Long Kun, the second uncle, was a very unsmiling man. Even when he detected the affinity of the seven-star element, the second uncle did not show a smile, and only said “a long way to go.”

In the heart of his predecessor, the second uncle was a mysterious existence.

Long Mo’er was anxious, she yelled anxiously, “What the hell is going on, uncle, please tell me!”

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