The Strongest Male God System

Chapter 1166: Fusion of two worlds

Chapter 1166 the fusion of the two worlds

"You, all are going to die!" Xi Zhao laughed hysterically.

The light spots in the sky are still shooting.

Pieces of ground people fell.

In an instant, he was annihilated by consciousness.

It must disappear forever.

The rest were panicked.

"Haha... let's die together!" Zi Shi laughed wildly.

The spot of light in the sky, the battle box of the Sky City, the battle box of the charter board suspension vehicle.

The firepower of the three parties is interwoven into an airtight firepower network.

The purpose... is to annihilate everyone.

Feng Yuan screamed: "Yes, our genes are derived from you! But what?"

"Since you no longer obey our orders, then... you don't have to live anymore!"

"Increase the firepower!"

These few words, like needles, pierced the hearts of everyone in the Celestial Realm.

It turns out...the truth they have always believed is false.

It turns out... what they have been trying to protect is indeed the most evil in the world.

It turns out... this world is not what they thought.


They can't see the result.

The predictor, the conciliator, the wallbreaker... the three teams suffered heavy casualties.

Quite a part of them were annihilated in a state of complete stunner.

They didn't want to believe that the object they had been guarding would actually target their own people.

"Enough!" Zhou Yang roared.

Snapped his fingers.

A shocking scene happened.

In the air, there appeared one piece after another, shiny fragments.

They are centered on Zhou Yang.

Layer by layer, in circles, piece by piece must appear.

It seems,  They always hide in the air.

Until today, he was called out.

"No! No!" Xizhao's face changed drastically, "You are actually dismantling the world's infrastructure, you stop!"

Zishi and Fengyuan were stunned.

"Are you going to die together?" Zishi roared.

The emergence of countless fragments brought unexpected changes.

The ground, buildings, disintegrated into countless dust.

The dust slowly condensed into new bright fragments.

Lihong, Xia Xi and others were inexplicably shocked.

"What's going on?" Li Hong screamed.

Zhou Yang said lightly: "What you see, everything that actually exists, is composed of fragments of consciousness."

"In the long years of the heavens and humans, everyone who died, their consciousness, was crumpled into pieces and turned into a brick in this world."

"Now, I will restore everything to the original state!"

Zhou Yang's eyes were suddenly bright.

The speed at which the debris appeared suddenly accelerated.

It's like a huge flower.

Zhou Yang's position is Huasta.

The stamens are blooming.

Then there are flower stems, petals...

This flower stretches quickly in all directions and to the sky.

Soon, the first city will be fully covered.

In the sky, the light spots emitting light streams are also completely submerged and assimilated.

The first city was completely occupied by the diffuse light.

No one is annihilated.

The whole world seems to have entered a static state.

Zhou Yang, Li Hong, Xia Xi, Zi Shi, Xi Zhao, Feng Yuan...Everyone was surrounded by fragments of consciousness.

Countless small voices rang in their minds.

Every fragment is a soul from the past.

Each fragment is a different life.

Or, have had brilliance.

Or, there has never been a bright spot.

Or... just born, come to the end of life.

Zhou Yang, with open arms, seemed to want to embrace each piece.

However, fragments of consciousness flowed away from his fingers.

Li Hong and Xia Xi burst into tears without knowing why.

They seem to have heard countless sad passages.

And the three of Zishi, Xizhao and Fengyuan were in extreme panic.

The fragments surrounding them seem to have been trapped by the three major families.

Debris, from their pores, penetrated into their bodies.


The faces of Xizhao and the others turned blood red in an instant.


"No... don't..." The beautiful little master, Xi Zhao, bent down in pain.

Her body swelled strangely.

Blood vessels, all protruding from the skin surface.


Then it broke.

Blood splattered everywhere.

West photos like a punctured balloon.

It dried up instantly.

In the end, it turned into thousands of pieces.

The same scene appeared in Zishi and Fengyuan.

They all disintegrated into fragments.

From this world, completely annihilated.

At the same time, in the sky, members of the Charter Bureau who drove a suspended vehicle also achieved the same result.

Members of the Senate...the same.

"Host, please be prepared!"

The sound of the system rang in time.

"What to prepare?"

"The lower world, the middle world, and location integration are about to begin!"

"What?" Zhou Yang was stunned. "What do you mean?"

"The host needs to understand that the more bound to the individual, the lower the level of the world."

"The lower world, restrain the flesh."

"Middle world, restraining consciousness."

"However, the Celestial Realm is a special case."

"The consciousness of this world comes from the lower world."

"Now, the integration of the heavens and the human world and the lower world earth will completely raise the energy level of the lower world."

"Host, prepare to lead the two worlds and meet new opponents!"

The system speaks with enthusiasm, but Zhou Yang is frowning.

I don't understand the situation at all.

When the world merges, it merges. Why are there new opponents?

"The host knows, what is on the other side of the mist barrier of the Heaven and Human Realm?"

"Please advise."

"It's another kind of life form."

"The life somewhere is inextricably linked to the world of heaven and human. Moreover, it is inherently hostile."

"They use fragments of consciousness as food to mold their bodies and absorb power."

"So, the real function of the mist barrier of the Celestial Realm is not to stop the Celestial Realm tribe, but to block the invasion of the other side."

"The lower world has been invaded by the middle class several times in a row, and the opponent is also them."

"The fog barrier cannot be penetrated by the other party, so I chose to detour from the lower world. It's just that the lower world is under your control, they have not achieved any effect, and finally lost a group of manpower."

"But now, the celestial world and the earth will be deeply integrated, and we will face each other head-on!"

"So excited!" Zhou Yang raised his eyebrows, "After the fusion, what level am I?"

"Of course... a very high level. This system suggests that the host wakes up with the following development plan..."

One by one, one by one, appeared in Zhou Yang's vision.

"Haha!" Zhou Yang laughed openly.

"This is... is going to become a fantasy world?"

"Host, please be prepared! Fusion is about to begin!"

"Where are Lihong and the others?"

"Host, don't worry!"

The system voice just dropped.

Celestial world, all fragments of consciousness.

At the same time... burst.

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