The Strongest Male God System

Chapter 806: Cowboy approach

Chapter 806

"Hey, look at me!" Zhou Yang said hello to the big cat.

The huge lucky cat is about fifteen meters in length and is extremely frightening in appearance.

"Meow!" A hint of interest flashed in Lucky Cat's eyes.

Zhou Yang made several waves in a row, and the cat's eyes were full of mockery.

Obviously, Zhou Yang's skills have not expired, and he can still communicate with each other.

But this cat would never listen to Zhou Yang's dispatch.

Then... I can only fight.

"Silly cat, there is a kind to catch me!" Zhou Yang smiled and took two steps back, and hooked his finger at the big cat, his provocative meaning was very obvious.

He has resisted the urge to use Dongfeng several times.

The current situation is not the worst, and the black hand behind the scenes has not yet appeared. Dongfeng is better to keep the back hand.

As for the "tied fairy rope", Zhou Yang didn't have the right opportunity to use it for a while.

Anyway, it's shooting, so shoot well.

"Meow!" The Lucky Cat was obviously irritated by Zhou Yang, his pupils dilated violently and lit up with a red light.

"Zhou Yang, be careful!" Zhang Liang shouted, "It is about to attack."

Anyone who has owned a cat understands that once a cat "turns on the red light", it is a prelude to an attack.

Zhou Yang began to run in the direction with the fewest people, and the big cat howled and rushed in an instant.

The rest ran away.

Zhou Yang didn't know when he had already got the bell.

"Watch the ball!" Zhou Yang took out the attitude of a baseball pitcher and slammed the bell into the face of Big Cat.

"Meow!" The big cat screamed, and the bell hit its left eye.

"Home run!" Zhou Yang laughed, his body rushed out again, a forward roll, and took advantage of the situation to pick up the bell for the second time.

"I'm here! Silly cat!" Zhou Yang called around behind the cat.

"Do you dare to play with me?" The lucky cat made a wave of fluctuations.

Zhou Yang smiled and smashed the cat bell out again.

With the combination of beyond visual range aiming and power bonus, the bell was so accurate that it hit the lucky cat's right eye.

"Meow!" The cat raised his paw and fell fiercely, trying to tear Zhou Yang into pieces.

"What is Zhou Yang going to do? He is irritating the opponent!" The deputy captain exclaimed.

"But, that doesn't do any harm to the cat!" Zhang Liang said subconsciously.

Yes, watching the scene, Zhou Yang had the upper hand, and both attacks hit the Lucky Cat's eyes.

But the other party was not an animal in the true sense, and did not cause harm at all. On the contrary, it aroused the cat's anger, and the range of movements became significantly larger.

Under this situation, it is difficult to guarantee that Zhou Yang will retreat completely.


It seemed to be to confirm everyone's thoughts. In the next second, Zhou Yang's clothes were torn by cat's claws, and he almost broke into his stomach.

However, after passing the pass of the Bodhidharma, everyone was less worried.

Zhou Yang is a person who has his head burst and is fine.

"Trash!" Zhou Yang seemed to be extremely angry, and threw the cat bell for the third time.


The bell hit the cat's forehead.

The big cat screamed and was smashed back two or three meters.

When it attacked Zhou Yang with its claws again, it was stunned.

The face of the huge cat clearly showed the expression that only humans have-doubt.

Everyone could see clearly at this time, the cat's paw was entangled in a circle without knowing when.

Not only that, but the remaining three cat's legs were also wrapped with rope.

It's just that the rope is not too long, and the cat doesn't feel it at all.

"Close!" Zhou Yang smiled and pulled the head of the "tied immortal rope" in his hand.

"Meow!" The lucky cat yelled, his limbs tied together instantly.

"Boom!" The huge body fell to the ground suddenly, and I don't know how many pieces of wooden floor were broken.

It screamed, struggling plainly, trying to break free from the shackles of the "immortal rope".

But in vain.

Zhou Yang is like a skilled cowboy, and the Lucky Cat is more like an inexperienced little calf. It is easily **** and completely tamed.

All the survivors were dumbfounded. I'll go, is this okay?

Zhou Yang held the cat bell and came to it, and said lightly: "This level is over!"

He slammed the bell into the hoop.

"Squeak..." It was as if the power supply stopped instantly.

It also seemed that a huge balloon was venting.

The two pupils of the lucky cat quickly lost their looks, like harvesting robots drained of oil.

"The second level is over!"

There was a loud voice in the basketball hall.

Everyone collapsed again.

"If there is a third level..." Zhang Liang was too late to persuade her, "The third level is even more dangerous..."

In the next short period of time, Zhang Liang quickly explained the content of the third level.

In a closed room, four different dolls sang around the blindfolded person. When the song was over, the blindfolded person wanted to tell who was behind.

If you guess the right one, you can pass the level. If you guess the wrong one, you will be under the control of the puppet and kowtow hard to the ground until the skull is broken.

This description stunned everyone.

The survivors who survived the first two rounds are about to pass out.

"Does the publisher of this game want us to die?" a boy asked angrily.

No one can answer him.

"Oh, what should we do?" A certain girl cried.

There are lovers hugging each other, as if this is the last time to be tender.

The more than one hundred people on the flight are sad.

In the first two rounds, flight passengers had already lost three people.

This is the smallest loss.

Because Zhou Yang is carrying it.

Otherwise, they will survive.

"Everyone can remember the order of the puppets and their voice characteristics!" Zhang Liang reminded loudly, "Their order will not change!"

"Throw...throw...throw the handkerchief...slightly put it behind the kid, don't tell him... come and catch him!" With the weird singing, the four are 20 meters long. The tall doll appeared in front of everyone.

A brilliance flashed across the board floor under everyone's feet.

Turned into a pure white large room.

More than 900 people can get along without being crowded.

The four large dolls are suspended three to four meters above the ground, all of which are cylindrical in shape.

"This... is different from the movie!" Zhang Liang exclaimed, "In the movie, there are only a few people in each room! The dolls are not that big!"

The hearts of everyone shook again.

They looked at the four super dolls in panic.

The dolls are different, but it is obvious that there are a pair of old men and women, and a pair of young men and women.

"We are a happy family!" the four dolls shouted simultaneously.

"I'm Grandpa!" One of the dolls floated out, the lines on the face depicting an old man in his 60s and 70s, with a kind smile on his face.

"I'm grandma!" The second figure floated out, wrinkled on his head and hairstyle with curly hair.

The other two young men also introduced themselves.

"So many lovely children!" The grandpa doll looked around and smiled.

However, everyone felt terrified.

The doll is at least three meters tall, wears clothes that match the identity, and has very fine facial lines.

The four dolls revealed a strange and inexplicable aura.

"Lovely children, our game has begun!" The voice of the grandma doll is an elderly woman.

Many people are desperate to remember their voice characteristics.

"Guess who is behind you, if you guess wrong, you have to spank!" said the mother doll.

"With so many people, we won't be blindfolded!" Dad puppet said.

In the next second, the entire space was instantly dark.

Everyone was instantly confused.

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