"...Nobles from the rich area, don't talk nonsense."

The arrival of Yun Yexue has caused many neighbors to talk about it, and the appearance of Liu Bai last night seems to have an impact on them.

No impression.In other words, ordinary people can't remember what happened after being hypnotized by the blue-eyed ghost vine illusion.

Many people in the entire community are watching Yun Yexue and that dazzling star supercar

"Auntie! Hee hee good morning, Ye Chen! And uncle and auntie"

Seeing Ye Chen and the others coming downstairs, Yun Yexue smiled and grabbed Yun Zhiyu's arm, moving towards

Ye Chen greeted several people. "My classmate, Yun Yexue, is also a friend who was admitted to Nandou University with me this year."

Ye Chen introduced.

"What a beautiful sports car, brother, your girlfriend is Hao!"

Ye Linger's beautiful eyes lit up, she ran past her husband, and she didn't have the habit of being afraid of cows.

Ye Xue stopped her, she couldn't help pinching Ye Ling'er's white and tender face, "Come on in my car, a platinum-class shuttle, which can withstand the attack of a platinum-class warlord, is better than a public car.

Shuttles are safer. "Creating a small

Yun Yexue raised her hand, and suddenly the silver supercar filled with a sense of super-era technology slowly opened and became more spacious.

Ordinary public shuttles are similar to the old subways, their speed is incomparable to this kind of supercar, and the monthly defense coefficient is much worse.

2515 one

And this supercar named Xingchen is the product of Tianji College, the top colleges and universities that are best at mechanical skills among the five British schools, buy this class

Other supercars not only need dragon coins, but also master authority

People with insufficient royal rank and authority can't buy it no matter how much money they have. "This...these two beauties are here to pick up Brother Xintian? It's amazing, this Ye family is really outstanding.

Talent!" "Nantou University, I just heard Xiaochen say that both he and the girl were admitted to Nandou University? Really?

Fake? That's a top university!"

"Envy! If my son is so promising, I would be worth dying for!"

"Congratulations!! Mr. Gu Hong, don't forget us in the future, come and visit often!"

The neighbors who were watching the lively nearby exclaimed one after another, and the eyes looking at Ye Chen's parents were full of envy.

I can get out of this slum and enter the top Nandou University every day

The future is smooth sailing!

Fate is amazing

My father and mother seemed to be drunk, their faces flushed with excitement, and responded to these neighbors who came to congratulate them, but they did not dare to delay too much, said goodbye to everyone, and then directly stepped on the road under the guidance of Yun Yexue. Enter the hover shuttle.

A faint halo of magic appeared, the streamlined shuttle car slowly closed, and the whole body of silver shuttle blessed the blast magic array, defense array, and so on.

The space inside is extremely open, like a two-storey house, with seven or eight rooms that are extraordinarily beautiful and clean.

The breadth is far beyond what the outside world sees.

Through the window, you can clearly see the neighbors and communities under your feet that gradually become smaller until they disappear from view.

"Is this Jiang City?"

On the shuttle bus, Ye Chen leaned on the railing and looked down. The holographic simulation vision system could make the occupants feel like they were in a castle in the sky, without the slightest visual obstacle.

The Energy Barrier of the Devil's Way directly shields the supersonic wind pressure outside, and there is only a gentle breeze blowing in front of it.

Jiang City, this city shrunk like a model under Ye Chen's feet, with a funnel-like appearance, placed in the entire Nanzhou province like a chess piece on a chessboard.

The sky is infinite, (hfec) the earth is vast

Ye Chen felt an inexplicable impulse in his heart and couldn't help holding his head tightly.

Become strong!

You can overlook the whole world, and even trample the whole world under your feet!

"It's very beautiful. According to the speed of the stars, you can reach Nandou University in about two days. Ting City is only one of the [-] prefecture-level cities in Nanzhou Province. Only when you become a real powerhouse one day, you You will find that, in fact, the whole world is not as vast as you imagined.”

light laughter came

Wearing a black gown, high heels, and black-rimmed glasses, Yun Zhiyu walked over, leaning on the railing and standing beside Ye Chen.

"Ye Xue is taking care of my uncle and aunt, and Ling and them, don't you mind having a drink?"

The white and slender hand held a red wine glass, and the other hand held a bottle of red wine, which he handed directly to Ye Chen.

There was a slight smile on the pretty face.


Ye Chen took the wine glass, it seems that his so-called mentor... still has the habit of drinking too much.

咕噜 咕噜

Directly took a mouthful of red wine, Ye Chen was choked, a little embarrassed, this was the first time he drank alcohol, and he did not drink a drop of alcohol in his previous life...cough...

"You are Shuangyin Yu, a sixteen-year-old silver-level Shuangyin lord. Both of Xiping's heroic spirits are above A rank. This time Nandou really found a treasure."

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